WARNING: This npm package is for the CanJS client-side MV* libraries. It was formerly the node-can project which has been moved to socketcan. A HUGE thanks to Sebastian Haas for letting us use the
NPM package name is deprecated. Usecan
CanJS is a collection of the following client-side JavaScript architectural libraries:
The best, most hardened and generally useful libraries in CanJS.
- Constructors - can-construct
- Observables - can-define and can-compute
- Data connection and service modeling- can-connect and can-set
- Routing - can-route and can-route-pushstate
- Live binding templates - can-stache
- Custom elements and view bindings - can-component and can-stache-bindings
Useful libraries that extend or add important features to the core collection.
- Simulate ajax requests - can-fixture
- A virtual DOM that is able to run CanJS's templates - can-simple-dom and can-vdom
- Track async activity - can-zone
Utility libraries that power the premier collection.
- DOM and JS utilities - can-util
- Events - can-event
- Observable notification - can-observe-info
- Simple Observable - can-simple-map
- View helpers
- Register custom elements or attributes in templates - can-view-callbacks
- Read a view model from a custom element - can-view-model
- Lookup scope within a stache template - can-view-scope
- Parses HTML and magic tags - can-view-parser
- A fast-path compile target - can-view-target
- Keeps part of the DOM up to date with a compute - can-view-live
- Maintains can-view-nodelist
Former libraries that are still supported.
- can-control
- can-map and can-list
- Adds the ability to define getter and setters on
- can-map-define - Adds live-sorting ability to
- can-list-sort - [can-map-backup]
- [can-map-attributes]
- [can-view-href]
- [can-map-setter]
Libraries that are no longer supported. We still accept patches.
Before you make an issue, please read our Contributing guide.
You can find the core team in gitter chat.
See the Changelog.
MIT License, see License.