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Adorym: Automatic Differentiation-based Object Reconstruction with DynaMical Scattering

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Adorym: Automatic Differentiation-based Object Reconstruction with DynaMical Scattering


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git clone

and then use PIP to build and install:

pip install -e ./adorym

After installation, type python to open a Python console, and check the installation status using import adorym. If an ImportError occurs, you may need to manually install the missing dependencies. Most dependencies are available on PIP and can be acquired with

pip install <package_name>

In order to run Adorym using PyTorch backend with GPU support, please make sure the right version of PyTorch that matches your CUDA version is installed.

Quick start guide

Adorym does 2D/3D ptychography, CDI, holography, and tomography all using the reconstruct_ptychography function in You can make use of the template scripts in demos or tests to start your reconstruction job.

Running a demo script

Adorym comes with a few datasets and scripts for demonstration and testing, but the raw data files of some of them are stored elsewhere due to the size limit on GitHub. If the folder in demos or tests corresponding to a certain demo dataset contains only a text file named raw_data_url.txt, please download the dataset at the URL indicated in the file.

On your workstation, open a terminal in the demos folder in Adorym's root directory, and run the desired script -- say,, which will start a multislice ptychotomography reconstruction job that solves for the 256x256x256 "cone" object demonstrated in the paper (see Publications), with


To run the script with multiple processes, use

mpirun -n <num_procs> python

Dataset format

Adorym reads raw data contained an HDF5 file. The diffraction images should be stored in the exchange/data dataset as a 4D array, with a shape of [n_rotation_angles, n_diffraction_spots, image_size_y, image_size_x]. In a large part, Adorym is blind to the type of experiment, which means there no need to explicitly tell it the imaging technique used to generate the dataset. For imaging data collected from only one angle, n_rotation_angles = 1. For full-field imaging without scanning, n_diffraction_spots = 1. For 2D imaging, set the last dimension of the object size to 1 (this will be introduced further below).

Experimental metadata including beam energy, probe position, and pixel size, may also be stored in the HDF5, but they can also be provided individually as arguments to the function reconstruct_ptychography. When these arguments are provided, Adorym uses the arguments rather than reads the metadata from the HDF5.

The following is the full structure of the HDf5:

  |___ exchange
  |       |___ data: float, 
  |                  [n_rotation_angles, n_diffraction_spots, image_size_y, image_size_x]
  |___ metadata
          |___ energy_ev: scalar, float. Beam energy in eV
          |___ probe_pos_px: float, [n_diffraction_spots, 2]. 
          |                  Probe positions (y, x) in pixel.
          |___ psize_cm: scalar, float. Sample-plane pixel size in cm.

Parameter settings

The scripts in demos and tests supply the reconstruct_ptychography with parameters listed as a Python dictionary. You may find the docstrings of the function helpful, but here lists a collection of the most crucial parameters:

Backend and GPU

  • backend: Select 'pytorch' or 'autograd'. Both can be used as the automatic differentiation engine, but only the PyTorch backend supports GPU computation.
  • cpu_only: Set to False to enable GPU. This option is ineffective when backend is pytorch.


  • fname: Name of the HDF5 containing raw data. Put only the basename here; any path predix should go to save_path.
  • save_path: Directory that contains the raw data HDF5. If it is in the same folder as the execution script, put '.'.
  • output_folder: Name of the folder to place output data. The folder will be assumed to be under save_path, i.e., the actual output directory will be <save_path>/<output_folder>.
  • finite_support_mask_path: The path to the TIFF file storing the finite support mask. Default to None. In general, this is needed only for single-shot CDI and holography.
  • save_intermediate: Bool. Whether to save the intermediate object (and probe when optimize_probe is True) after each minibatch.
  • save_history: Bool. Useful only if save_intermediate is on, If True, the intermediate output will be saved with a different file name characterized by the current epoch and minibatch number. Otherwise, the intermediate output will be overwritten.
  • store_checkpoint: Bool. Whether to save a checkpoint of the optimizable variables before each minibatch.
  • use_checkpoint: Bool. If set to True, the program initializes the object and/or probe using the checkpoint stored in previous runs. If False or if checkpoint file is not found, start the reconstruction from scratch.

Experimental parameters

  • theta_st: Starting rotation angle in radian. Default to 0.
  • theta_end: End rotation angle in radian. For single angle data, set this the same as theta_st.
  • theta_downsample: Int. By how many times the raw data should be downsampled in rotation angles. Default to None.
  • probe_pos: Float, [n_diffraction_spots, 2]. Probe positions in a scanning-type experiment in pixel in the object frame (i.e., real-unit probe positions divided by sample plane pixel size). Default to None. If None, the program will attempt to get the value from HDF5. The positions will be interpreted as the top-left corner of the probe array in object frame. For single-shot experiments, set probe_pos to [[0, 0]].
  • energy_ev: Float. X-ray beam energy in eV. Default to None. If None, the program will attempt to get the value from HDF5.
  • psize_cm: Float. Pixel size at sample plane in cm. Default to None. If None, the program will attempt to get the value from HDF5.
  • free_prop_cm: Float. The distance between sample and detector in cm. For far-field imaging, set it to None or 'inf', so that the programs uses Fraunhofer approximation. For near-field imaging, this value is assumed to be the propagation distance in a plane-wave illuminated experiment; if the illumination is a spherical wave generated by a point source, use the effective distance given by Fresnel scaling theorem: z_eff = z1 * z2 / (z1 + z2).
  • raw_data_type: Choose from 'intensity' or 'magnitude'. This informs the optimizer the type of raw data contained in the HDF5.

Reconstruction parameters

  • obj_size: Int, [L_y, L_x, L_z]. The size of the object function (i.e., the unknowns) in pixels. L_y is the size in the vertical direction, while L_x and L_z refer to sizes on the horizontal plane. For 2D reconstruction, set L_z to 1. For 3D reconstruction, it is strongly recommended to keep L_x == L_z. For doing sparsely spaced multislice tomography (i.e., when the number of slices along beam axis is much less than the number of lateral pixels), the best practice is to set binning to a larger value, instead of using a small L_z.
  • unknown_type: Choose from delta_beta and real_imag. If set to delta_beta, the program treats the unknowns as the delta and beta parts in the complex refractive indices of the object, n = 1-delta-i*beta. In this case, modulation to the wavefield by each slice of the object will be done as wavefield * exp(-i*k*n*z). If set to real_imag, the unknowns are treated as the real and imaginary part of a multiplicative object function, where the modulation is done as wavefield * (obj_real + i * obj_imag). Using delta_beta can help overcome mild phase wrapping, while using real_imag generally leads to better numerical robustness.
  • n_epochs: Int. Number of epochs to run. An epoch refers to a cycle during which all diffraction data are processed. Set it to 'auto' to automatically stops the reconstruction when the reduction rate of loss falls below crit_conv_rate. This option is not recommended especially for noisy data due to the possibility of fake positives. The best practice so far is to set n_epochs to a sufficiently large value and observe the loss curve and reconstruction output until satisfactory results are obtained.
  • crit_conv_rate: Float. If the reduction rate of loss at the current epoch in regards to the previous one is below this value, convergence is assumed to be reached and the reconstruction process stops.
  • max_epochs: Int. When n_epochs is set to 'auto', the program will stop regardless of the loss reduction rate once this number of epochs have been run.
  • minibatch_size: Int. The number of diffraction spots to be processed at a time. When multi-processing, this is the number of diffraction spots processed by each rank.
  • alpha_d: Float. Weight applied to l1-norm of the delta (or real) part of the object function. The full loss function is in the form of L = D(f(x), y0) + alpha_d * |x_d|_1 + alpha_b * |x_b|_1 + gamma * TV(x).
  • alpha_b: Float. Weight applied to l1-norm of the beta (or imaginary) part of the object function.
  • gamma: Float. Weight applied to total variation of the object function.
  • reweighted_l1: Bool. If True and alpha_d != 0, the program uses reweighted l1-norm to regularize the object (see Candès, E. J., Wakin, M. B. & Boyd, S. P. Enhancing Sparsity by Reweighted ℓ1 Minimization. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 14, (2008). )
  • object_type: Choose from 'normal', 'phase_only', or 'absorption_only'. If 'absorption_only', the delta part of the phase of the object will be forced to be 0 after each update. Vice versa for 'phase_only'.
  • non_negativity: Bool. Whether to enforce non-negative constraint. Useful only when unknown_type is delta_beta.
  • shrink_cycle: Int. For every how many minibatches should the finite support mask be shrink-wrapped. Useful only when finite_support_mask_path is not None.
  • 'shrink_threshold': Float. Shreshold for shrink-wrapping. Useful only when finite_support_mask_path is not None.
  • initial_guess: List of Arrays. Default to None. The initial guess of the object function in the form of [obj_delta, obj_beta] when unknown_type is delta_beta, or [obj_mag, obj_phase] when unknown_type is real_imag. The arrays must have the same size as specified by obj_size.
  • random_guess_means_sigmas: List of Floats. When initial_guess is None, the object function will be initialized usin Gaussian randoms. This argument provides the Gaussian parameters in the format of (mean_delta, mean_beta, sigma_delta, sigma_beta) or (mean_mag, mean_phase, sigma_mag, sigma_phase), depending on the setting of unknwon_type.
  • update_scheme: Choose from 'immediate' or 'per angle'. If 'immediate', the object function is updated immedaitely after each minibatch is done. If 'per angle', updated is performed only after all diffraction patterns from the current rotation angle are processed. If shared_file_object is on, the 'per angle' mode is used regardless of this setting.
  • randomize_probe_pos: Bool. Whether to randomize diffraction spots on each viewing angle when there are more than 1 of them. Recommended to be True for 2D ptychography.

Forward model

  • binning: Int. The number of axial slices to be binned (i.e., to be treated as line integrals) during multislice propagation.
  • pure_projection: Bool. Set to True to model the propagation through the entire object as a simple line projection, not using multislice at all.
  • two_d_mode: Bool. If the HDF5 dataset contains multiple viewing angles (i.e., the length of the first dimension is larger than 1), setting two_d_mode to True will let the program to treat it as a single-angle dataset, with the only angle being the first one. Set to True automatically if the last dimension of obj_size is 1.
  • probe_type: Choose from 'gaussian', 'plane', 'ifft', 'aperture_defocus', and 'supplied'. The method of initializing the probe function. Some options requires additional inputs from user:
    • 'gaussian': Supply probe_mag_sigma, probe_phase_sigma, and probe_phase_max. The Gaussian spreads, or the *sigma values, are in pixel. Magnitude max is 1 by default.
    • 'aperture_defocus': Supply aperture_radius, beamstop_radius, and probe_defocus_cm. All radii are in pixels (on the object frame). A circular aperture (if beamstop_radius == 0) or a ring aperture (if 0 < beamstop_radius < aperture_radius) is generated and then Fresnel defocused to created the initial probe.
    • 'supplied': Supply probe_initial as a List of Arrays: [probe_mag, probe_phase].
  • rescale_probe_intensity: Bool. Scale the probe function so that its integrated power spectrum (related to the total number of photons) matches that of the raw data.
  • loss_function_type: Choose from 'lsq' or 'poisson'. Whether to use a least square term or a Poisson maximum likelihood term to measure the mismatch of predicted intensity.


  • optimizer: Choosen from 'adam' or 'gd' (steepest gradient descent). Optimizer type for updating the object function.
  • learning_rate: Float. Learning rate, or step size of the chosen optimizer for the object function.
  • optimize_probe: Bool. Whether to optimize the probe function.
  • probe_learning_rate: Float.
  • optimize_probe_defocuing: Bool. Whether to optimize the defocusing distance of the probe.
  • probe_defocusing_learning_rate: Float.
  • optimize_probe_pos_offset: Bool. Whether to optimize the offset to probe positions. This is intended to correct for the x-y drifting of the sample stage at different angles. When turned on, the program creates an array with shape [n_rotation_angles, 2]. When processing data from a certain viewing angle, the positions of all diffraction spots are shifted by the value corresponding to that angle. The offset array is optimized by the optimizer along with the object function.
  • optimize_all_probe_pos: Bool. Whether to optimize the probe positions at all angles. When turned on, the optimizer tries to optimize an array with shape [n_rotation_angles, n_diffraction_spots, 2], which stores the correction values applied to each probe position at all viewing angles. Not recommended for ptychotomography with many viewing angles as it significantly increases the unknwon space to be searched, making the problem less well constrained.
  • all_probe_pos_learning_rate: Float.

Low-memory mode

  • shared_file_object: Switch of hard-drive mediated low-memory node. When set to True, the 3D object function will be stored as a parallel-HDF5 on hard drive instead of in the RAM or GPU memory. The major advantage of using this working mode is that when reconstructing 2D/3D ptychography data with GPU, Adorym will only send GPU a small part of the object array that is relevant to the minibatch being processed, which minimizes memory usage. The low-memory mode is also useful when the machine's RAM is very limited, or when the object being reconstructed is very large. I/O overhead might be observed when using a large number of processes on a non-parallel file system. Note: using the low-memory node requires H5Py built against MPIO-enabled HDF5.


During runtime, Adorym may create a folder named arrsize_?_?_?_ntheta_? in the current working directory, which saves the precalculated coordinates for rotation transformation. Other than that, all outputs will be written in <save_path>/<output_folder>, which is organized as shown in the chart below:

     |___ convergence
     |         |___ loss_rank_0.txt // Record of the loss value after 
     |         |___ loss_rank_1.txt // each update coming from each process.
     |         |___ ...
     |___ intermediate
     |         |___ object
     |         |       |___ obj_mag(delta)_0_0.tiff
     |         |       |___ obj_phase(beta)_0_0.tiff
     |         |       |___ ...
     |         |___ probe
     |         |       |___ probe_mag_0_0.tiff
     |         |       |___ probe_phase_0_0.tiff
     |         |       |___ ...
     |         |___ probe_pos (if optimize_all_probe_pos is True)
     |                 |___ probe_pos_correction_0_0_0.txt
     |                 |___ ...
     |___ obj_delta_ds_1.tiff (or obj_mag_ds_1.tiff)
     |___ obj_beta_ds_1.tiff (or obj_phase_ds_1.tiff)
     |___ probe_mag_ds_1.tiff
     |___ probe_phase_ds_1.tiff
     |___ summary.txt // Summary of parameter settings.
     |___ checkpoint.txt // Exists if store_checkpoint is True.
     |___ obj_checkpoint.npy // Exists if store_checkpoint is True.
     |___ opt_params_checkpoint.npy // Exists if store_checkpoint is True and optimizer has parameters.

By default, all image outputs are in 32-bit floating points which can be opened and viewed with ImageJ.


The early version of Adorym, which was used to demonstrate 3D reconstruction of continuous object beyond the depth of focus, is published as

Du, M., Nashed, Y. S. G., Kandel, S., Gürsoy, D. & Jacobsen, C. Three dimensions, two microscopes, one code: Automatic differentiation for x-ray nanotomography beyond the depth of focus limit. Sci Adv 6, eaay3700 (2020).


Adorym: Automatic Differentiation-based Object Reconstruction with DynaMical Scattering






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