Happy New Year! I really enjoyed reading Monorepos: Please don’t! by Matt Klein. While not related specifically to iOS development, it's a very good read for any developer. I really enjoyed the thorough analysis and I think he makes some really good points.
In other news, if you go to the UI/UX section, you'll see that I actually linked to a research paper. And yes, I know the study is 3 years old, but it's still relevant and interesting to read it.
- Reasoning about protocols, by @tjeerdintveen
- UI Testing Quick Guide, by @kharrison
- Using launch arguments / environment variables to simulate in-app purchase purchased and etc, by @soulchildpls
- Integration Testing for Memory Leaks, by @meanestcreature
- QR Code generation with a custom logo and color using Swift, by @twannl
- The iOS Menu, by @twolivesleft
- Requesting App Ratings and Reviews , by @SanketFirodiya
- DynamicJSON - Access JSON properties dynamically like JavaScript using Swift 4.2's new @dynamicMemberLookup feature, by @sdrzn
- SmoothScroll - Smooth collection scrolling, by @cuberto
- XCoordinator - Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern, by @quickbirdstudios
- Connectivity - Makes Internet connectivity detection more robust by detecting Wi-Fi networks without Internet access., by @ross_w_butler
- FeatureFlags - Allows developers to configure feature flags, run multiple A/B tests or phase feature roll out using a JSON configuration file, by @ross_w_butler
- Tap to Dismiss, by @taptodismiss
- Flat Design vs Traditional Design: Comparative Experimental Study, by @interux, Tatiana Zlokazova, Anna Izmalkova and Anna Leonova
- UX fail: Logging into Apple TV, by @ericasadun
- UI vs UX — is NOT a thing, by @zecarlostorre