MiniTwitch.Helix conveniently wraps the Twitch Helix API and exposes them through the HelixWrapper
and SortedHelixWrapper
classes. The difference between the two classes is that HelixWrapper
exposes all endpoints as methods directly on the class, while SortedHelixWrapper
exposes them through categories (i.e HelixWrapper.BanUser()
vs SortedHelixWrapper.Moderation.BanUser()
Contains all generally available and beta Helix API endpoints
Virtually no dependencies
Returns meaningful information about responses with
:- HelixResult.Success: Whether the request was successful
- HelixResult.StatusCode: Status code of the response
- HelixResult.Message: Contains a message clarifying the meaning of the status code
- HelixResult.Elapsed: The amount of time the request took to get a response
- HelixResult.RateLimit.Limit: Maximum amount of requests that can be made in a period
- HelixResult.RateLimit.Remaining: The amount of requests that can be made before the ratelimit resets
- HelixResult.RateLimit.ResetsIn: The amount of time before the ratelimit resets
Validates access tokens & warns before their expiry
Easy pagination API for
:- HelixResult.CanPaginate: Determines whether the next page of content can be requested
- HelixResult.Paginate(): Fetches the next page of content
This example demonstrates the usage of HelixWrapper
and HelixResult<T>.Paginate()
You may notice that some requests have missing parameters. This is because the user ID is supplied by the library to requests that require the user ID of the provided token
using MiniTwitch.Helix;
using MiniTwitch.Helix.Models;
using MiniTwitch.Helix.Responses;
namespace MiniTwitchExample;
public class Program
public static HelixWrapper Helix { get; set; }
static async Task Main()
Helix = new HelixWrapper("Access token", 987654321);
var chatters = await GetAllChatters(12345678);
private static async Task<List<string>> GetAllChatters(long broadcasterId)
List<string> usernames = [];
HelixResult<Chatters> chatters = await Helix.GetChatters(broadcasterId, first: 1000);
if (!chatters.Success)
return [];
foreach (var chatter in chatters.Value.Data)
// No more users - return what we got
if (!chatters.CanPaginate)
return usernames;
// Continue paginating if the result is a success
while (await chatters.Paginate() is { Success: true } next)
foreach (var chatter in next.Value.Data)
// Return when pagination is no longer possible
if (!next.CanPaginate)
return usernames;
chatters = next;
return usernames;