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MiniTwitch.Irc is the component responsible for Twitch chat services. The usage of this package revolves around the IrcClient class which handles connection, communication and channel management


  • Package code is fully documented with XML comments
  • Full coverage of chatroom messages and events with convenient APIs
  • Built with performance and memory in mind. Nanosecond speeds, with low memory allocation
  • Exposes events as ValueTask, making for efficient & concurrent usage
  • Automatically reconnects upon disconnection & automatically rejoins channels
  • Simple & customizable ratelimiting of sending messages and joining channels
  • Allows for connecting anonymously - No need for authorization if you don't plan to send anything!
  • Understand what happens behind the scenes by supplying an ILogger. Allows you to use any logging library which implements logging abstractions

Getting Started

here is an example usage of the IrcClient class:

using MiniTwitch.Irc;
using MiniTwitch.Irc.Models;

namespace MiniTwitchExample;

public class Program
    static async Task Main()
        Bot bot = new("myusername", "mytoken");
        await bot.Client.ConnectAsync();
        await bot.Client.JoinChannel("occluder");

        _ = Console.ReadLine();

public class Bot
    public IrcClient Client { get; init; }

    public Bot(string username, string token)
        Client = new IrcClient(options =>
            options.Username = username;
            options.OAuth = token;

        Client.OnChannelJoin += ChannelJoinEvent;
        Client.OnMessage += MessageEvent;

    private ValueTask ChannelJoinEvent(IrcChannel channel)
        return Client.SendMessage(channel.Name, "Hello from MiniTwitch!");

    private async ValueTask MessageEvent(Privmsg message)
        if (message.Content == "penis123")
            await message.ReplyWith("That's my password!!");
        else if (message.Content == "Wait a minute!")
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
            await message.ReplyWith("I waited. Now what?");