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MiniTwitch.PubSub is the component responsible for interaction with the Twitch PubSub service. The usage of this package revolves around the PubSubClient class and the Topics static class.


  • Package code is fully documented with XML comments
  • Exposes documented & undocumented PubSub topics
  • Uses System.Text.Json under the hood; Fast, efficient and without unnecessary dependencies
  • Exposes events with Func<T1, .., ValueTask> delegates, making asynchronous handling very easy
  • Automatically reconnects upon disconnection & automatically re-listens to topics
  • Simplistic; Events have clear descriptions on what they do and how to get them invoked
  • Multi-token support; You're not limited to 1 auth token per PubSubClient
  • Comes with a built-in logger, which can be disabled or replaced easily
  • Events return the topic parameters as ChannelId or UserId, making them easily distinguishable

Getting Started

here is an example usage of the PubSubClient class:

using MiniTwitch.PubSub;
using MiniTwitch.PubSub.Interfaces;
using MiniTwitch.PubSub.Models;
using MiniTwitch.PubSub.Payloads;

namespace MiniTwitchExample;

public class Program
    static async Task Main()
        PubSubClient client = new("my token");

        await client.ConnectAsync();
        var playbackResponse = await client.ListenTo(Topics.VideoPlayback(36175310));
        if (playbackResponse.IsSuccess)
            Console.WriteLine($"Listened to {playbackResponse.TopicKey} successfully!");

        var responses =  await client.ListenTo(Topics.Following(783267696) | Topics.ChatroomsUser(754250938, "a different token"));
        foreach (var response in responses)
            if (!response.IsSuccess)
                Console.WriteLine($"Failed to listen to {response.TopicKey}! Error: {response.Error}");

        client.OnStreamUp += OnStreamUp;
        client.OnFollow += OnFollow;
        client.OnTimedOut += OnTimedOut;

        _ = Console.ReadLine();

    private static ValueTask OnStreamUp(ChannelId channelId, IStreamUp stream)
        Console.WriteLine($"Channel ID {channelId} just went live! (Stream delay: {stream.PlayDelay})");
        return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

    private static ValueTask OnFollow(ChannelId channelId, Follower follower)
        Console.WriteLine($"{follower.Name} just followed you!");
        return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

    private static ValueTask OnTimedOut(UserId userId, ITimeOutData timeout)
            $"Your other account (ID: {userId}) has been timed out for {timeout.ExpiresInMs}ms in channel ID {timeout.ChannelId}");
        return ValueTask.CompletedTask;