Maps are created with either Matplotlib/Basemap or as a geojson file on an anonymous gist.
Choose which map type you'd like by using the -l
-l , --location Map location. choices: (NA, EU, World, Geo)
(default: NA)
* not required if creating geojson maps
- Add check for user count in user_table to allow for greater than 25 users - Pull
- If platform is missing from PLATFORM_COLORS use DEFAULT_COLOR - Pull
- Add arg to allow for runs in headless (mpl.use("Agg"))
- Add pass on N/A values for Lon/Lat - Pull
- Add arg for legend (best, none, axes, top_left, top_center, etc.)
- UI, toggles, interactive mode
- Add arg to group legend items by city and/or region
- Find server's external IP, geolocation. Allow custom location to override
- Add arg for tracert visualization from server to client
- Animate tracert visualization? gif?