The Leap Motion is a user-interface device that tracks the user's hand motions, and translates them into events that can control robots and physical computing hardware.
For more info about the Leap Motion platform click Leap Motion
First install the Leap Motion Software
Now you can install the package with:
go get -d -u && go install
package main
import (
func main() {
gbot := gobot.NewGobot()
leapMotionAdaptor := leap.NewLeapMotionAdaptor("leap", "")
l := leap.NewLeapMotionDriver(leapMotionAdaptor, "leap")
work := func() {
gobot.On(l.Event("message"), func(data interface{}) {
robot := gobot.NewRobot("leapBot",
This driver works out of the box with the vanilla installation of the Leap Motion Software that you get in their Setup Guide.
The main steps are:
- Run Leap to open a websocket connection in port 6437.
- Connect your Computer and Leap Motion Controller.
- Connect to the device via Gobot.
The Linux download of the Leap Motion software can be obtained from Leap Motion Dev Center (requires free signup)
The main steps are:
- Run the leapd daemon, to open a websocket connection in port 6437.
- Connect your computer and the Leap Motion controller
- Connect to the device via Gobot