mhennemeyer / matchy
Forked from jm/matchyRSpec-esque matchers for Test::Unit
Dave Thomas' proof of concept test library
mhennemeyer / context
Forked from jm/contextA super tight library to add contexts to tests.
Generates common user authentication code for Rails/Merb, with a full test/unit and rspec suite and optional Acts as State Machine support built-in.
mhennemeyer / rspec-dev
Forked from ianwhite/rspec-devResources for rspec developers/contributors
mhennemeyer / rspec
Forked from dchelimsky/rspecBehaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby
mhennemeyer / shoulda
Forked from thoughtbot/shouldaMakes tests easy on the fingers and the eyes
mhennemeyer / cucumber
Forked from cucumber/cucumber-rubyA reimplementation of RSpec's story framework, based on Treetop.
mhennemeyer / rspec-ui
Forked from aslakhellesoy/rspec-uiRSpec extensions for various UI architectures
mhennemeyer / rr
Forked from btakita/rrRR (Double Ruby) is a test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax.
mhennemeyer / nested_form
Forked from ryanb/nested_formRails plugin to conveniently handle multiple models in a single form.
mhennemeyer / mongomapper
Forked from mongomapper/mongomapperAwesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo