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File metadata and controls

40 lines (33 loc) · 2.97 KB

Cheatsheet for building & updating the package


  1. copy&paste a function including the preceding roxygen comments (#')
  2. hack the planet modify as needed
    • if any, add not-yet imported packages to DESCRIPTION
  3. run devtools::document()
  4. build package by hitting ctrl/cmd + shift + B

Adding functions

  • use R/crs_nimble.R as a template to modify
  • lines beginning with #' are used for documentation via the roxygen2 package:
    • @export is critical! It tells roxygen2 to add the function to NAMESPACE and makes it accessable to users; even though I list it here first, it comes last in the roxygen chunk.
    • @param is for descriptions of a functions arguments -> every argument should be listed here!
    • @import is, perhaps unsurprisingly so, for importing functions from other (non-base-R) packages:
      • it is good practice to import functions as sparingly as possible; rather call them explicitly (see next point)
      • every function used in the actual code needs to be given explicitly (e.g. dplyr::filter(...))
      • @importeded functions don't need to be called explicitly, even though it's still advisable to do so in order to avoid conflicts (e.g. package:stats::filter and package:dplyr::filter)
    • @returns contains a description of what the function returns, but is not strictly necessary
    • same goes for @examples: it may contain what it says, but not necessarily
    • again, @references is not necessary, but if you have any, this would be the place to include them
  • save functions as some_name.R in the R/ folder
    • scripts can contain more than one function and documentation
    • the current approach of "one script per function" works well for a small set of distinct functions
    • should the package grow, it might at some point be advisable to group functions by application areas (e.g. plot_themes.R, summary_functions.R, etc.)
  • when using imported functions, add the respective package to the Imports: section of the DESCRIPTION file
  • after creating new scripts/functions/descriptions, run devtools::document() and afterwards build the package (ctrl/cmd + shift + B) - Done!

Adding data

  1. in an interactive session, read-in data as usual
    • to rename data already present in the package, read it with the desired name and delete the file with the old name in data/
  2. run usethis::use_data(name_of_data) (e.g. usethis::use_data(mousetrack_typicality))
    • this will put the data as an .rda file - surprisingly again - into data/ and make it available by the name of the data-object
    • ideally (but not necessarily), some description of the data is provided in R/data.R; the one already present should suffice as an example on how that looks
    • when renaming data, remember to change the name provided in R/data.R as well
  3. run devtools::document() and afterwards build the package (ctrl/cmd + shift + B)