- Jersey City, NJ
- https://richstrange.com
- Pro
Because-RTProto Public
Forked from EDesignLabs/Because-RTProtoA test of some real-time interactions
CoffeeScript UpdatedJun 15, 2013 -
Backbone.DOMStorage Public
Forked from jeromegn/Backbone.localStoragelocalStorage and sessionStorage adapters for Backbone.js
mockJSON Public
Forked from mennovanslooten/mockJSONMockJSON is a plugin for jQuery that can hijack JSON and JSONP requests and respond with randomly generated JSON data.
JavaScript GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedFeb 28, 2013 -
brunch Public
Forked from brunch/brunchHTML5 applications made easy.
CoffeeScript Other UpdatedFeb 4, 2013 -
Overpass Public
Forked from EDesignLabs/OverpassA visual argument builder
JavaScript UpdatedJan 26, 2013 -
django-inline-ordering Public
Forked from piotrkilczuk/django-inline-orderingDjango app to ease ordering of related data - enable Drag&Drop ordering in admin with just a few LOC
Python UpdatedJan 6, 2013 -
Backbone-relational Public
Forked from PaulUithol/Backbone-relationalGet and set relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one) for Backbone models
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2012 -
brunch-with-hipsters Public
Forked from elving/brunch-with-hipstersBrunch with Hipsters is a rad Brunch app skeleton that comes with unicorns out of the box.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 1, 2012 -
djurk Public
Forked from glenjarvis/djurkA Django app for accessing Mechanical Turk
web-base-template Public
Forked from jquery/jquery-wp-contentThe design templates for the jQuery sites
PHP UpdatedOct 15, 2012 -
download.jqueryui.com Public
Forked from jquery/download.jqueryui.comJavaScript UpdatedOct 15, 2012 -
grunt-jquery-content Public
Forked from jquery/grunt-jquery-contentJavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 13, 2012 -
infinity Public
Forked from saiwong/infinityUITableViews for the web.
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 10, 2012 -
corecommons_api Public
An API service for the Common Core State Standards
Python UpdatedOct 8, 2012 -
django-admin-jqueryui Public
Forked from hint/django-admin-jqueryuiSimply adds a jquery ui to the admin panel
Python UpdatedJul 27, 2012 -
django-lean Public
Forked from funkotron/django-leanA framework for performing and analyzing split-test experiments in Django applications.
jquery-renewal Public
Forked from danofames/jquery-renewalEnter the Carousel. This is the time of renewal. Be strong and you will be renewed.
checkerboard Public
Geospatial education apps for informal learning institutions
django-badger Public
Forked from mozilla/django-badgerdjango-badger is a Playdoh-biased reusable Django app for creating and awarding badges. You can use Django signals to track important award-worthy events in your site, track progress and dependenc…
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 13, 2012 -
django-markup Public
Forked from bartTC/django-markupConvert text markup to html. Markdown, rST, Textile etc.
django-basic-apps Public
Forked from nathanborror/django-basic-appsSimple prebuilt applications.
django-obi Public
Forked from zuzelvp/django-obiDjango open badge integration
Cinder Public
Forked from cinder/CinderCinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
Badges Public
Forked from drumbeat-badge-sprint/BadgesA federated badge demo
emocaptcha Public
Emotional CAPTCHA that uses sentiment data to test for the most human humans
1 UpdatedApr 6, 2011 -