To install the requirements, follow these steps:
# PyTorch
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch dill
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
export LANG=C.UTF-8
# Install requirements
pip install --user opencv-python wandb matplotlib scikit-learn 'gym[atari]' recordclass pyprind psutil dill
pip install --user git+git://
# Login to W&B
wandb login {wandb_key}
# Finally, install the project
pip install --user -e git+git://
The file ms_run_pizero.yaml
contains the required YAML setup to run the project on Philly.
The default branch for the latest and stable changes is master
. Features we are trying live in a feature branch and merged
back to master when they seem to work.
- Sample run script
python -m scripts.run_pizero --grayscale --game ms_pacman --num-envs 64 --num-trainers 3 --no-gpu-0-train
This will launch a MuZero run with NCE enabled on 4GPUs where GPU0 is used only for search / reanalyze.
For all our experiments, we are using --batch-size-per-worker 200
too, but this can change depending on the amount of GPU memory.
Here are some options that might be useful when running experiments:
- For disabling NCE loss during training, pass the flag
- For running purely Q-learning (no search), use the following options:
python -m scripts.run_pizero --grayscale --game ms_pacman --num-envs 64 --q-learning --no-nce --policy-loss-weight 0. --reward-loss-weight 0. --no-search-value-targets --local-target-net --num-simulations 0 --eval-simulations 0 --jumps 0 --num-trainers 3 --no-gpu-0-train
- To run Q-learning with search, use the following options:
python -m scripts.run_pizero --grayscale --game ms_pacman --num-envs 64 --q-learning --no-nce --policy-loss-weight 0. --reward-loss-weight 0. --no-search-value-targets --local-target-net --c1 0.25 --num-trainers 3 --no-gpu-0-train
A WIP implementation of the C51 Q-learning in currently located in the c51
├── scripts
│ └── # The main runner script to launch jobs.
├── src
│ ├── # Legacy / Defunct. Ignore this.
│ ├── # An async worker that performs ReAnalyze MCTS. Episodes are read and written to disk.
│ ├── # Legacy / Defunt. Contains old nature conv encoders
│ ├── # Utils for logging metrics during training
│ ├── # Extends rlpyt's buffer for storing additional items such as the prior policy.
│ ├── # The main file that contrains training code for everything. Also includes all the network architectures for MuZero.
│ ├── # Legacy / Defunct. Old MCTS implemetation.
│ └── # Command line arguments and helper functions
└── ms_run_pizero.yaml # YAML file to run experiments on Philly