This is a package.
Sending plain or rich content e-mails is an easy process with Iris.
// Config keeps the options for the mail sender service
type Config struct {
// Host is the server mail host, IP or address
Host string
// Port is the listening port
Port int
// Username is the auth [email protected] for the sender
Username string
// Password is the auth password for the sender
Password string
// FromAlias is the from part, if empty this is the first part before @ from the Username field
FromAlias string
// UseCommand enable it if you want to send e-mail with the mail command instead of smtp
// Host,Port & Password will be ignored
UseCommand bool
Send(subject string, body string, to ...string) error
sh go get -u
File: ./main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
// change these to your needs
cfg := mail.Config{
Host: "",
Username: "[email protected]",
Password: "38304272b8ee5c176d5961dc155b2417",
Port: 587,
// change these to your e-mail to check if that works
// create the service
mailService := mail.New(cfg)
var to = []string{"[email protected]", "[email protected]"}
// standalone
//iris.Must(mailService.Send("iris e-mail test subject", "</h1>outside of context before server's listen!</h1>", to...))
//inside handler
iris.Get("/send", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
content := `<h1>Hello From Iris web framework</h1> <br/><br/> <span style="color:blue"> This is the rich message body </span>`
err := mailService.Send("iris e-mail just t3st subject", content, to...)
if err != nil {
ctx.HTML(200, "<b> Problem while sending the e-mail: "+err.Error())
} else {
ctx.HTML(200, "<h1> SUCCESS </h1>")
// send a body by renderingt a template
iris.Get("/send/template", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
content := iris.TemplateString("body.html", iris.Map{
"Message": " his is the rich message body sent by a template!!",
"Footer": "The footer of this e-mail!",
}, iris.RenderOptions{"charset" :"UTF-8"})
// iris.RenderOptions is an optional parameter,
// "charset" defaults to UTF-8 but you can change it for a
// particular mail receiver
err := mailService.Send("iris e-mail just t3st subject", content, to...)
if err != nil {
ctx.HTML(200, "<b> Problem while sending the e-mail: "+err.Error())
} else {
ctx.HTML(200, "<h1> SUCCESS </h1>")
File: ./templates/body.html
<h1>Hello From Iris web framework</h1>
<span style="color:red"> {{.Message}}</span>
<b> {{.Footer}} </b>