This directory contains a structured collection of directories representing 10 distinct tests. Each test represent a unique scenario where the collision avoidance system is evaluated using generated parameters.
First 6 tests are consistent probing specified situations:
- Aircraft following another aircraft and catching up
- Aircraft flying head-on towards each other with same speed
- Aircraft flying towards each other with different speed
- Aircraft following another aircraft and catching up with slight angle
- Aircraft flying head-on towards each other with same speed and slight angle
- Aircraft flying towards each other with different speed and slight angle
The last 4 tests are randomly selected situations - angle between aircrafts are decimals between 0-180.
- The first image in each test iteration captures the scenario with collision avoidance turned off.
- The second image in each test iteration depicts the same scenario with collision avoidance enabled.
These images serve as a visual comparison to assess the effectiveness of the collision avoidance system under various conditions. Collision is defined as the paths intersecting without further path after.
The simulation directories are named sequentially through simulation id 0-9 simulation-[simulation-id]-[test_id]-[simulation_hash]
and are enclosed by the date directory. Inside each of these directories, you will find: