Universidad ICESI
- Colombia
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VGGVox Public
Forked from a-nagrani/VGGVoxVGGVox models for Speaker Identification and Verification trained on the VoxCeleb (1 & 2) datasets
MATLAB UpdatedFeb 4, 2019 -
Speech-denoise-Autoencoder Public
Forked from bill9800/Speech-denoise-AutoencoderSpeech denoiser model using Keras
Python UpdatedJan 23, 2019 -
AmplitudeModulationFeatures Public
AAMF: Auditory-inspired amplitude modulation features
materials Public
Forked from realpython/materialsBonus materials, exercises, and example projects for our Python tutorials
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 15, 2018 -
c_games Public
Forked from jalbam/c_games[Some C games] Some simple games written in C language.
C Other UpdatedOct 28, 2018 -
speech_activity_detection Public
Forked from idnavid/speech_activity_detectionUnsupervised speech activity detection system.
Shell UpdatedJul 2, 2018 -
code-for-blog Public
Forked from eliben/code-for-blogCode samples from my blog
Python The Unlicense UpdatedMay 8, 2018 -
python-vad Public
Forked from wangshub/python-vad🔈 Use python to achieve voice activity detection, this little program may be helpful for voice application
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 28, 2017 -
MachineLearning-C---code Public
Forked from pennyliang/MachineLearning-C---codeusing c++ code to show the example of machine learning
C++ UpdatedDec 14, 2017 -
awesome-machine-learning Public
Forked from josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learningA curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
Python Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJul 19, 2017 -
learn-c-the-hard-way-lectures Public
Forked from zedshaw/learn-c-the-hard-way-lecturesAll of the code from Learn C The Hard Way, each project, plus the presentation slides used in the videos.
C Other UpdatedApr 25, 2017 -
sms-tools Public
Forked from MTG/sms-toolsSound analysis/synthesis tools for music applications
Python GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 18, 2016 -
arduino-serial Public
Forked from todbot/arduino-serialExample C and Java host code to talking to an arduino or other "serial" device
C MIT License UpdatedMar 26, 2016 -
bob.conda Public
Forked from 183amir/bob.condaAn experimental conda-based build of Bob v2
Shell UpdatedFeb 24, 2016 -
tensorflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowComputation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 20, 2016 -
datashader Public
Forked from holoviz/datashaderBin based rendering toolchain
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 9, 2016 -
cppannotations Public
Forked from fbb-git/cppannotationsExtensive tutorial and documentation about C++
C++ UpdatedSep 27, 2015 -
cs231n.github.io Public
Forked from cs231n/cs231n.github.ioPublic facing notes page
am_fm_modSpec Public
contains some code for feature extraction useful in: 1) speaker recognition and 2) whispered speech detection
DNN_beginners Public
This is a implementation of autoencoders and softmax classification based system based on http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/UFLDL_Tutorial
world.py Public
Forked from sotelo/world.pyPython wrapper for the World vocoder
Python UpdatedFeb 17, 2015 -
PRT Public
Forked from covartech/PRTPattern Recognition Toolbox for MATLAB
MATLAB MIT License UpdatedFeb 3, 2015 -
courses Public
Forked from bcaffo/coursesCourse materials for the Data Science Specialization: https://www.coursera.org/specialization/jhudatascience/1
Numerical-Recipies-in-C Public
Forked from saulwiggin/Numerical-Recipies-in-CNative implementation of 'Numerical Recipes in C'
C UpdatedJun 24, 2014 -
DeepLearnToolbox Public
Forked from rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolboxMatlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning. Includes Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets. Each method has examples to …
MATLAB BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMay 11, 2014 -
locaudio Public
Forked from a20r/locaudioSound source localization in reconfigurable wireless acoustic sensor networks
Python UpdatedMar 12, 2014