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A curated list of Rust code and resources.
A static, type inferred and embeddable language written in Rust.
Window Tiling For The Win. A tiling window manager written in Rust
A model checker for implementing distributed systems.
🍺🐙 ZetZ a zymbolic verifier and tranzpiler to bare metal C
Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator for Rust
egg is a flexible, high-performance e-graph library
an educational compiler intermediate representation
A friendly little systems language with first-class types. Very WIP! 🚧 🚧 🚧
Low Level Hardware Description — A foundation for building hardware design tools.
Porting `compiler-rt` intrinsics to Rust
A mostly functional haskell compiler written in rust
🚧 (Alpha stage software) A declarative data definition language for formally specifying binary data formats. 🚧
A simple ML-like programming language with subtyping and full type inference.
An insanely simple self-hosted functional programming language
Dependently-typed lambda calculus, Mini-TT, extended and implemented in Rust
Éole, a Lévy-optimal lambda calculus evaluator without oracle
Normalization by evaluation for Martin-Löf Type Theory with dependent records
Dependently-typed row-polymorphic programming language, evolved from minitt-rs