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Module Function Tests

This VM provides testing environment for plugins;

  1. res_config_mongodb-test for realtime configuration engine,
  2. cdr_mongodb-test for CDR backend,
  3. cel_mongodb-test for CEL backend.

Launch a VM for testing

desktop$ cd nodejs                  ; select nodejs VM
desktop$ vagrant up                 ; launch it and generate environment to test plugins.

Test plugins

  1. Launch the mongodb VM, and reload the initial test records if you need.
  2. Launch the asterisk VM, and make sure /etc/asterisk/*.conf files keep initial conditions.
  3. Launch the nodejs VM (this VM), then execute npm test as follows;
desktop$ cd nodejs
desktop$ vagrant up
desktop$ vagrant ssh
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-25-generic x86_64)

vagrant@nodejs:~$ cd nodejs/res_config_mongodb/
vagrant@nodejs:~/nodejs/res_config_mongodb$ npm test

> [email protected] test /vagrant/nodejs/res_config_mongodb
> make

  A PJSIP UAS managed by res_config_mongodb
    ✓ should be offline at first (227ms)
    ✓ with unknown user should get 401 (227ms)
    ✓ with invalid password should get 401 (40ms)
    ✓ with right account should be online (109ms)
    ✓ with invalidated account should get 401 (73ms)
    ✓ should be offline at last (74ms)

  6 passing (2s)

  CDR by cdr_mongodb
    ✓ should log a call transaction (95ms)

  1 passing (1s)

  CEL by cel_mongodb
    ✓ should log event transactions (88ms)

  1 passing (1s)


Test conditions

config.json collects test conditions for this project.

    "asterisk": {
        "host": "asterisk.local",
        "uri": "ws://asterisk.local:8088/ws"
    "ari": {
        "uri": "http://asterisk.local:8088",
        "account": {
            "user": "asterisk",
            "password": "asterisk"
    "mongodb": {
        "config": {
            "uri": "mongodb://mongodb.local:27017",
            "db": "asterisk"
        "cel": {
            "uri": "mongodb://mongodb.local:27017",
            "db": "cel",
            "collection": "cel"
        "cdr": {
            "uri": "mongodb://mongodb.local:27017",
            "db": "cdr",
            "collection": "cdr"
    "sip": {
        "stunServers": [],
        "registerExpires": 3,
        "traceSip": false,
        "log": {
            "level": 0


The following property can be configurable with a common file config.json;

Property Definition Defined
nodejs version of the nodejs '4.x'


Set sip.traceSip and sip.log.level with true and 3 of config.json repectively. See SIP.UA Configuration Parameters for detail.

    "sip": {
        "traceSip": true,
        "log": {
            "level": 3

License and Copyright

  • License: The MIT License (MIT)
  • Copyright: (C) 2016, KINOSHITA minoru