written in CoffeeScript
Clear filter
A deferred library for Node.js and the browser with a jQuery compatible API
Sprockets-style script concatenation for Node
Pseudo-Parallel, Passing-Procedure, Pretty-Promise. Asynchronous Collection & Procedure Control Flow
A CoffeScript html generator compatible with CoffeeKup but without the magic.
nethack-like game in browser. writing from scratch.
mizchi / coffee-script
Forked from jashkenas/coffeescriptUnfancy JavaScript
mizchi / snockets
Forked from pthrasher/snocketsSprockets-style script concatenation for Node
mizchi / zappa
Forked from mauricemach/zappaNode development for the lazy.
mizchi / coffeehack
Forked from ympbyc/coffeehacknethack-like game in browser. writing from scratch.