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Quick Introduction :-

NanoPHP has been designed for rapid development of PHP based projects. It utilises most of the new features 5.3.2+ has to offer.

Requirements :-

MySQL 5.1 +

Apache 2
	- mod_rewrite enabled
	- mod_headers enabled (optional)

PHP 5.3.2 +
	- MySqli Extension (PHP 5 Mysql)
	- xdebug (optional - recommended)
	- memcached (optional - recommended)

Installation :-

1.) Run the SQL code in sql/nanophp_structure.sql

2.) Edit site/config/environments/Dev.class.php

'databases' => array (
	'default' => array(
		'mode' => \site\core\db\core\Database::DB_MODE_SINGLE, //.only mode currently supported
		'name' => 'nanophp', //.database name
		'servers' => array(
				'host' => 'localhost', //.database hostname/ip
				'port' => '3306', //.database port
				'user' => 'root', //.database username
				'pass' => 'test' //.database password


3.) Check your details are correct to access the MySQL database.

4.) In web/.htaccess towards the bottom there should be two access rules:


# ####### Dev ##########
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.dev$
RewriteRule	.* index.php [L,E=PROJECT_APP:front_end,E=PROJECT_ENV:Dev]
# #######################

# ####### Dev ##########
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^admin\.example\.dev$
RewriteRule	.* index.php [L,E=PROJECT_APP:back_end,E=PROJECT_ENV:Dev]
# #######################


This tells NanoPHP, that when accessing '', load the 'front_end' project and use the environment 'Dev'

To access this project, a new rule will have to be added to your Apache Virtual Hosts (/etc/apache2):


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAlias *
        DocumentRoot /var/www/servers/nanophp-v2

        RewriteEngine On


In it's most basic form, the Virtual Host Rule should look something like the above. (Remember to restart Apache - /etc/init.d/apache2 restart)

5.) Now generate your first project by running:

~> ./cli generate:NewProject

Type 'front_end'. This will create a project called 'front_end' in site/projects

6.) You can update your database models by running:

~> ./cli generate:DatabaseModels --environment=Dev --connection=default --database=nanophp

7.) Visit (you may need to add this to your hosts file) and you should see everything is ok and running.

8.) A basic version of the Admin panel will be available at (username: [email protected], password: testing).


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