- Mainz, Germany
- http://twitter.com/mknittig
website Public
Forked from jscraftcamp/websiteWebsite of the JSCraftCamp in Munich
JavaScript UpdatedJul 16, 2019 -
express-roles-authorization Public
Express middleware for simple authorization with multiple roles based on Express-style routes.
googlecode-mylyn-connector Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/googlecode-mylyn-connector
UpdatedJan 26, 2016 -
connect-arango Public
Forked from AlexanderArvidsson/connect-arangoArangoDB session store for Connect.
Agora Public
Forked from softwerkskammer/AgoraDie Software für die Plattform der Softwerkskammer
neo4j-admin Public
Forked from andreasronge/neo4j-adminThe Neo4j server web console for the embedded neo4j.rb
play-liquibase Public
Forked from kanischev/play20-liquibaseLiquibase plugin for play framework 2.1
requestfactory Public
Forked from stefanroeck/requestfactoryGWT RequestFactory tutorials and utils from my blog
ereviewboard Public
A mylyn-based Eclipse integration for Review Board
close-tabs Public
A simple Chrome extension for easy closing multiple tabs at once.
redmine Public
Forked from edavis10/redmineRedmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. This is an *unofficial* git mirror of the svn repository
redmine_issues_group Public
Forked from ubik/redmine_issues_groupRedmine Issues grouping plugin
yasnippets-rspec Public
Forked from gary/yasnippets-rspecyasnippet compatible versions of the TextMate-bundled rSpec snippets.
yasnippets-rails Public
Forked from eschulte/yasnippets-railsA collection of yasnippets snippet definitions for use with Ruby on Rails
will_paginate Public
Forked from mislav/will_paginateA fork of the most awesome pagination solution for Ruby with support for Datamapper and Sinatra