simple aws testfarm scripts for letsencrypt client testing
- Configures (canned) boulder server
- Launches EC2 instances with a given list of AMIs for different distros
- Copies letsencrypt repo and puts it on the instances
- Runs letsencrypt tests (bash scripts) on all of these
- Logs execution and success/fail for debugging
- Some AWS images, e.g. official CentOS and FreeBSD images require acceptance of user terms on the AWS marketplace website. This can't be automated.
- AWS EC2 has a default limit of 20 t2/t1 instances, if more are needed, they need to be requested via online webform.
- Requires AWS IAM secrets to be set up with aws cli
- Requires an AWS associated keyfile .pem
>aws configure --profile HappyHacker
[interactive: enter secrets for IAM role]
>aws ec2 create-key-pair --profile HappyHacker --key-name MyKeyPair --query 'KeyMaterial' --output text > MyKeyPair.pem
>python targets.yaml MyKeyPair.pem HappyHacker scripts/
example scripts are in the 'scripts' directory, these are just bash scripts that have a few parameters passed to them at runtime via environment variables. is a useful reference.
Note that the
test_letsencrypt_auto_*scripts pull code from PyPI using the letsencrypt-auto script, not the local python code. test_apache2 runs the dev venv and does local tests.
main repos: