Connect to the U-M Library VPN
Copy the environment file example
cp -r .env-example .env
Get the actual values from a developer, and update the .env
Build the image
docker-compose build
Install the gems
docker-compose run --rm web bundle install
Install the npm packages
docker-compose run --rm web npm install
Start the app
docker-compose up
Build the styles
docker-compose run --rm web npm run build
Run the tests
docker-compose run web bundle exec rspec
In a browser go to http://localhost:4567/callnumber?query=UM1
If you are working on features, set up a gate so that the feature can be turned on and off until the release.
In this project we create an environment variable for the feature. If it is true the feature is enabled. If it is false then it is turned off.
Current Features:
for enabling Browse By Author