This is the latex source, images, and R code for the population genetics notes by Graham Coop. A fuller description of this resource is available at my website
Theses notes, code, and all of the figures are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.So if you do reuse these you don’t need my permission, you just need to acknowledge where oyu got them from. My intention is that these notes can provide a resource for others to write their own versions of these notes.
There are still many typos in these notes, but I hope to fix them over time, and feel free to contact me or leave a comment here.
I hope to develop these notes into a fuller resource over the coming years, to create an up to date open source population genetics textbook.
You need latexmk and pandoc. Then use:
$ make clean site
images will not work — be sure to convert all .eps
files to .png
use the .png
versions in LaTeX files.
$ find . -name '*.eps' -type f | xargs -n1 -I{} basename {} .eps | xargs -n1 -I{} convert {}.eps {}.png
Then to deploy, use:
$ make deploy
This pushes html/
with git subtree
, e.g. like
$ git subtree push --prefix html upstream gh-pages
For reference, this clever way of pushing a single subdirectory to a branch is from this blog post.