[Feature] createSliderWithTooltip support getTooltipContainer
[Feature] Support startPoint
[Feature] Supprot reverse
[Feature] Allow tabIndex to be set explicitly on Handle. #381
[Feature] Add focus() blur() and autoFocus.
Support React 16.
[Feature] Support keyboard accessibility.#282
[Feature] Support custom dot style with dotStyle
& activeDotStyle
[Feature] rc-slider support custom style. #281
[Feature] rc-slider support aria. #260
[Breaking Change] Re-design and refactor, almost a new UI component.
#147 fix style conflicts with rc-tooltip @benjycui
#145 fix onChange
will be triggered while mousemove @Fuzzyma
#133 support multi-range (@sosz)
#18 add vertical
props (@wnlee)
#8 add isIncluded
props (@simaQ)
#7 add tooltip for handler when slider has no marks
props (@simaQ)