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215 lines (140 loc) · 8.73 KB


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215 lines (140 loc) · 8.73 KB



New Features

  • Allow for input with NaNs and extrapolation in signal_interpolate()
  • Add argument method in find_outliers()
  • A lot (see neuropsychology#645)


New Features

  • Add new time-domain measures in hrv_time(): Prc20NN, Prc80NN, MinNN, and MaxNN


Breaking Changes

  • Argument type changed to out in expspace()

New Features

  • Add new time-domain measures in hrv_time(): Prc20NN, Prc80NN, MinNN, and MaxNN
  • Allow fix_peaks() to account for larger intervals



Breaking Changes

  • Argument r changed to radius in fractal_correlation()
  • Argument r changed to tolerance in entropy and complexity utility functions
  • Argument r_method changed to tolerance_method in complexity_optimize()
  • complexity_lempelziv(), fractal_higuchi(), fractal_katz(), fractal_correlation(), fractal_dfa(), entropy_multiscale(), entropy_shannon(), entropy_approximate(), entropy_fuzzy(), entropy_sample() now return a tuple consisting of the complexity index, and a dictionary comprising of the different parameters specific to the measure. For fractal_katz() and entropy_shannon(), the parameters dictionary is empty.
  • Restructure complexity submodules with optimization files starting with optim_*, such as optim_complexity_delay(), optim_complexity_dimension(), optim_complexity_k(), optim_complexity_optimize(), and optim_complexity_tolerance().
  • mutual_information() moved from stats module to complexity module.

New Features

  • Added various complexity indices: complexity_hjorth(), complexity_hurst(), complexity_lyapunov(), complexity_rqa(), complexity_rr(), entropy_coalition(), entropy_permutation(), entropy_range(), entropy_spectral(), fractal_nld(), fractal_psdslope(), fractal_sda(), fractal_sevcik()
  • Added mne_templateMRI() as a helper to get MNE's template MRI.
  • Added eeg_source() as a helper to perform source reconstruction.
  • Added eeg_source_extract() to extract the activity from a brain region.
  • Added parallel_run() in misc as a parallel processing utility function.
  • Added find_plateau() in misc to find the point of plateau in an array of values.
  • Added write_csv() in data to facilitate saving dataframes into multiple parts.
  • Added more complexity-related functions, entropy_cumulative_residual(), entropy_differential(), entropy_svd(), fractal_petrosian(), and information_fisher().
  • Updates logic to find kmax in fractal_higuchi()
  • Add RSP_Amplitude_Baseline in event-related analysis
  • Add argument add_firstsamples in mne_channel_extract() to account for first sample attribute in mne raw objects
  • Allow plotting of mne.Epochs in epochs_plot()
  • Add mne_crop() to crop mne Raw objects with additional flexibility to specify first and last elements
  • Plotting function in eeg_badchannels() to visualize overlay of individual EEG channels and highlighting of bad ones
  • Add eog_peaks() as wrapper for eog_findpeaks()
  • Allow ecg_delineate() to account for different heart rate


  • Ensure detected offset in emg_activation() is not beyond signal length
  • Raise ValueError in _hrv_sanitize_input() if RRIs are detected instead of peaks
  • Ensure that multifractal DFA indices returned by fractal_mdfa() is not Nan when array of slopes contains Nan (due to zero fluctuations)
  • Documentation of respiration from peak/trough terminology to inhale/exhale onsets
  • Change labelling in rsp_plot() from "inhalation peaks" and "exhalation troughs" to "peaks (exhalation onsets)" and "troughs (inhalation onsets)" respectively.
  • Change RSP_Amplitude_Mean/Min/Max parameters to be corrected based on value closest to t=0 in event-related analysis, rather than using all pre-zero values.
  • Have rsp_rrv() compute breath-to-breath intervals based on trough indices (inhalation onsets) rather than peak indices
  • Compute rsp_rate() based on trough indices (rather than peak indices) in 'periods' method


  • Adjust kmax parameter in fractal_higuchi() according to signal length as having kmax more than half of signal length leads to division by zero error
  • Ensure that sanitization of input in _hrv_dfa() is done before windows for DFA_alpha2 is computed
  • np.seterr is added to fractal_dfa() to avoid returning division by zero warning which is an expected behaviour


Breaking Changes

  • fractal_df() now returns a dictionary of windows, fluctuations and the slope value (see documentation for more information. If multifractal is True, the dictionary additionally contains the parameters of the singularity spectrum (see singularity_spectrum() for more information)

New Features

  • Add convenience function intervals_to_peaks() useful for RRI or BBI conversion to peak indices
  • hrv_nonlinear() and rrv_rsp() now return the parameters of singularity spectrum for multifractal DFA analysis
  • Add new complexity measures in fractal_higuchi(), fractal_katz() and fractal_lempelziv()
  • Add new time-domain measures in hrv_time(): SDANN and SDNNI
  • Add new non-linear measures in hrv_nonlinear(): ShanEn, FuzzyEn, HFD, KFD and LZC


  • Add path argument in mne_data() and throw warning to download mne datasets if data folder is not present
  • The implementation of TTIN in hrv_time() is amended to its correct formulation.
  • The default binsize used for RRI histogram in the computation of geometric HRV indices is set to 1 / 128 seconds


Breaking Changes

  • None

New Features

  • Add internal function for detecting missing data points and forward filling missing values in nk.*_clean() functions
  • Add computation of standard deviation in eventrelated() functions for ECG_Rate_SD, EMG_Amplitude_SD, EOG_Rate_SD, PPG_Rate_SD, RSP_Rate_SD, RSP_Amplitude_SD
  • Add labelling for interval related features if a dictionary of dataframes is passed
  • Retrun Q peaks and S Peaks information for wavelet-based methods in nk.ecg_delineate()


  • Fix epochs columns with dtype: object generated by nk.epochs_create()
  • Bug fix ecg_findpeaks_rodrigues for array out of bounds bug


New Features

  • Additional features for nk.rsp_intervalrelated(): average inspiratory and expiratory durations, inspiratory-to-expiratory (I/E) time ratio
  • Add multiscale entropy measures (MSE, CMSE, RCMSE) and fractal methods (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, Correlation Dimension) into nk.hrv_nonlinear()
  • Allow for data resampling in nk.read_bitalino()
  • Add bio_resting_8min_200hz into database for reading with
  • Reading of url links in
  • Allow for nk.hrv() to compute RSA indices if respiratory data is present
  • All hrv functions to automatically detect correct sampling rate if tuple or dict is passed as input
  • Add support for PPG analysis: nk.ppg_eventrelated(), nk.ppg_intervalrelated(), nk.ppg_analyze()
  • Add Zhao et al. (2018) method for nk.ecg_quality()
  • Add tests for epochs module
  • Add sub-epoch option for ECG and RSP event-related analysis:
    • users can create a smaller sub-epoch within the event-related epoch
    • the rate-related features of ECG and RSP signals are calculated over the sub-epoch
    • the remaining features are calculated over the original epoch, not the sub-epoch


  • Fix propagation of values in nk.signal_formatpeaks() for formatting SCR column outputs generated by eda_peaks()
  • Fix docstrings of nk.rsp_phase(), from "RSP_Inspiration" to "RSP_Phase"
  • Update signal_filter() method for rsp_clean(): to use sos form, instead of ba form of butterworth (similar to eda_clean())


New Features

  • Use duration from nk.events_find() as epochs_end in nk.epochs_create()
  • Allow customized subsets of epoch lengths in nk.bio_analyze() with window_lengths argument
  • Add nk.find_outliers() to identify outliers (abnormal values)
  • Add utility function - nk.check_type() to return appropriate boolean values of input (integer, list, ndarray, pandas dataframe or pandas series)
  • (experimental) Add error bars in the summary plot method to illustrate standard error of each bin


  • Fix type of value in nk.signal_formatpeaks() to ensure slice assignment is done on the same type

0.0.1 (2019-10-29)

  • First release on PyPI.