Path tracer implementation for support for textured mesh lights, GGX/Phong materials, environment mapping. The interface supports progressive parallel execution with any splitting strategy, by generating per-sample random number sequences or fully deterministic hash-based sampling.
The raytraced scene is a list of instances of basic shapes. Each shape is a collection of points, lines or triangles with associated normals. Shapes are instanced by creating instances with soecific local-to-world trasforms. Instancing shares memory so large scenes can be created easily. Shaope data is in fact shared with the application and not copied internally.
Materials are represented as sums of an emission term, a diffuse term and a specular microfacet term (GGX or Phong). Only opaque for now. We pick a proper material type for each shape element type (points, lines, triangles).
Lights are defined as any shape with a material emission term. Additionally one can also add an environment map. But even if you can, you might want to add a large triangle mesh with inward normals instead. The latter is more general (you can even more an arbitrary shape sun). For now only the first env is used.
We generate our own random numbers guarantying that there is one random sequence per path. This means you can run the path tracer in any order serially or in parallel.
For now, we support a straightforward path tracer with explicit direct illumination using MIS. Also added simpler shaders for a quick preview and a direct-only renderer.
The library can support raytracing either by building an internal acceleration structure with Yocto/Bvh or with user supplied intersection routines for custom intersection.
This library depends in yocto_math.h and yocto_utils.h/.cpp for concurrency. Eventually the concurrency calls will be move to std functions when more readily available. Optionally depend on yocto_bvh.h/.cpp for internal acceleration. Disable this by setting YTRACE_NO_BVH.
- create a scene with
- add cameras with
- add add texture with
- create material with
- add shapes with
- add instances with
- add environment maps with
- either build the ray-tracing acceleration structure with
or supply your own withset_intersection_callbacks()
- if desired, add logging with
- prepare lights for rendering
- define rendering params with the
structure - render blocks of samples with
- either build the ray-tracing acceleration structure with
or supply your own withset_intersection_callbacks()
- if desired, add logging with
- prepare lights for rendering
- define rendering params with the
structure - initoialize the prograssive rendering state with
- either render sames successively with
or starts an asynchronousn renderer - get the rendered image with
- v 0.26: thin glass material
- v 0.25: added refraction (still buggy in some cases)
- v 0.24: corrected transaprency bug
- v 0.23: simpler logging
- v 0.22: added additional buffers
- v 0.21: added filters
- v 0.20: state-based api
- v 0.19: explicit material models
- v 0.18: simpler texture creation functions
- v 0.17: move to rgba per-vertex color
- v 0.16: use yocto_math in the interface and remove inline compilation
- v 0.15: move to add api
- v 1.16: internally use yocto_bvh if desired
- v 1.15: added gltf/generic material properties (deprecate old interface)
- v 1.14: normal mapping
- v 1.13: simpler Fresnel handling
- v 1.12: significantly better path tracing
- v 1.11: add progressive sampling to rendering params
- v 0.10: switch to .h/.cpp pair
- v 0.9: doxygen comments
- v 0.8: opaque API (allows for changing internals without altering API)
- v 0.7: internally use pointers for performance transparency
- v 0.6: minor API change for blocks
- v 0.5: [major API change] move to modern C++ interface
- v 0.4: C++ API
- v 0.3: removal of C interface
- v 0.2: use of STL containers
- v 0.1: C++ implementation
- v 0.0: initial release in C99
Path tracer with MIS support.
struct scene;
Trace scene.
scene* make_scene();
Initialize the scene with the proper number of objects.
void free_scene(scene*& scn);
Free scene.
int add_camera(scene* scn, const ym::frame3f& frame, float yfov, float aspect,
float aperture = 0, float focus = 1);
Adds a camera in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- frame: local-to-world frame (x, y, z, o in column major order)
- yfov: field of view
- aspect: aspect ratio
- aperture: lens aperture
- focus: focus plane distance (cannot be zero)
- Returns:
- camera id
void set_camera(scene* scn, int cid, const ym::frame3f& frame, float yfov,
float aspect, float aperture = 0, float focus = 1);
Sets a camera in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- cid: camera id
- frame: local-to-world frame (x, y, z, o in column major order)
- yfov: field of view
- aspect: aspect ratio
- aperture: lens aperture
- focus: focus plane distance (cannot be zero)
int add_texture(scene* scn, int width, int height, const ym::vec4f* hdr);
Adds a texture in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- tid: texture id
- width: width
- height: height
- hdr: hdr pixels
- Returns:
- texture id
int add_texture(scene* scn, int width, int height, const ym::vec4b* ldr);
Sets a texture in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- tid: texture id
- width: width
- height: height
- ldr: ldr pixels (sRGB)
- Returns:
- texture id
inline int add_texture(scene* scn, const ym::image4f* img);
Adds a texture in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- hdr: hdr image
- Returns:
- texture id
inline int add_texture(scene* scn, const ym::image4b* img);
Sets a texture in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- ldr: ldr image (sRGB)
- Returns:
- texture id
int add_material(scene* scn);
Adds a black material to the scene. Use set_material_XXX() functions to customize it.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- Returns:
- material id
void set_material_emission(
scene* scn, int mid, const ym::vec3f& ke, int ke_txt);
Sets the material emission.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- mid: material id
- ke: emission, term
- ke_txt: emission texture (-1 for none)
void set_material_normal(scene* scn, int mid, int norm_txt, float scale = 1);
Sets the material normal map.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- mid: material id
- norm_txt: normal map (-1 for none)
- scale: normal scale
void set_material_occlusion(scene* scn, int mid, int occ_txt, float scale = 1);
Sets the material normal map.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- mid: material id
- occ_txt: occlusion map (-1 for none)
- scale: occlusion scale
void set_material_microfacet(scene* scn, int mid, const ym::vec3f& kd,
const ym::vec3f& ks, const ym::vec3f& kt, float rs, float op, int kd_txt,
int ks_txt, int kt_txt, int rs_txt, int op_txt, bool use_phong = false);
Sets a material reflectance as a microfacet model in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- mid: material id
- kd: diffuse term
- ks: specular term
- kt: transmission term
- rs: specular roughness
- kd_txt, ks_txt, kt_txt, rs_txt: texture indices (-1 for none)
- use_phong: whether to use phong
void set_material_gltf_metallic_roughness(scene* scn, int mid,
const ym::vec3f& kb, float km, float rs, float op, int kd_txt, int km_txt);
Sets a gltf metallic roughness material reflectance.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- mid: material id
- kb: base color term
- km: metallic term
- rs: specular roughness
- kd_txt, km_txt: texture indices (-1 for none)
void set_material_gltf_specular_glossiness(scene* scn, int mid,
const ym::vec3f& kd, const ym::vec3f& ks, float rs, float op, int kd_txt,
int ks_txt);
Sets a gltf metallic specular glossiness reflectance.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- mid: material id
- ke: emission, term
- kd: diffuse term
- ks: specular term
- rs: specular glossiness
- kd_txt, ks_txt: texture indices (-1 for none)
void set_material_thin_glass(scene* scn, int mid, const ym::vec3f& ks,
const ym::vec3f& kt, int ks_txt, int kt_txt);
Sets a thin glass material
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- mid: material id
- ks: reflection
- kt: transmission
- ks_txt, kt_txt: texture indices (-1 for none)
void set_material_double_sided(scene* scn, int mid, bool double_sided);
Sets the material emission.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- mid: material id
- double_sided: whether the material is double sided
int add_environment(
scene* scn, const ym::frame3f& frame, const ym::vec3f& ke, int txt_id = -1);
Sets an environment in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- frame: local-to-world frame (x, y, z, o in column major order)
- ke: emission
- ke_txt: emission texture (-1 for none)
- Returns:
- environment id
int add_triangle_shape(scene* scn, int ntriangles, const ym::vec3i* triangles,
int nverts, const ym::vec3f* pos, const ym::vec3f* norm,
const ym::vec2f* texcoord = nullptr, const ym::vec4f* color = nullptr,
const ym::vec4f* tangsp = nullptr);
Sets a shape in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- frame: local-to-world frame (x, y, z, o in column major order)
- mid: material id
- npoints/nlines/ntriangles: number of elements
- points/lines/tiangles: elem data
- nverts: number of vertices
- pos: vertex positions
- norm/tang: vertex normals/tangents
- texcoord: vertex texcoord
- color: vertex color
- tangsp: tangent space for normal and bump mapping
- Returns:
- shape id
int add_point_shape(scene* scn, int npoints, const int* points, int nverts,
const ym::vec3f* pos, const ym::vec3f* norm,
const ym::vec2f* texcoord = nullptr, const ym::vec4f* color = nullptr,
const float* radius = nullptr);
Sets a shape in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- sid: shape id
- frame: local-to-world frame (x, y, z, o in column major order)
- mid: material id
- npoints/nlines/ntriangles: number of elements
- points/lines/tiangles: elem data
- nverts: number of vertices
- pos: vertex positions
- norm/tang: vertex normals/tangents
- texcoord: vertex texcoord
- color: vertex color
- radius: vertex radius
- Returns:
- shape id
int add_line_shape(scene* scn, int nlines, const ym::vec2i* lines, int nverts,
const ym::vec3f* pos, const ym::vec3f* tang,
const ym::vec2f* texcoord = nullptr, const ym::vec4f* color = nullptr,
const float* radius = nullptr);
Sets a shape in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- frame: local-to-world frame (x, y, z, o in column major order)
- mid: material id
- npoints/nlines/ntriangles: number of elements
- points/lines/tiangles: elem data
- nverts: number of vertices
- pos: vertex positions
- norm/tang: vertex normals/tangents
- texcoord: vertex texcoord
- color: vertex color
- radius: vertex radius
- Returns:
- shape id
int add_instance(scene* scn, const ym::frame3f& frame, int sid, int mid);
Adds an instance in the scene.
- Parameters:
- scn: scene
- iid: instance id
- frame: local-to-world frame (x, y, z, o in column major order)
- sid: shape id
- mid: material id
- Returns:
- instance id
float specular_exponent_to_roughness(float n);
Convert a Phong exponent to GGX/Phong roughness
void specular_fresnel_from_ks(
const ym::vec3f& ks, ym::vec3f& es, ym::vec3f& esk);
Estimates the fresnel coefficient es from ks at normal incidence
struct intersect_point {
float dist = 0;
int iid = -1;
int sid = -1;
int eid = -1;
ym::vec3f euv = {0, 0, 0};
operator bool() const;
Ray-scene Intersection.
- Members:
- dist: ray distance
- iid: instance index
- sid: shape index
- eid: element distance
- euv: element baricentric coordinates
- operator bool(): check whether it was a hit
using intersect_first_cb = std::function<intersect_point(const ym::ray3f& ray)>;
Ray-scene closest intersection callback.
- Parameters:
- ray: ray
- Return:
- intersection point
using intersect_any_cb = std::function<bool(const ym::ray3f& ray)>;
Ray-scene intersection callback
- Parameters:
- ray: ray
- Return:
- whether we intersect or not
void set_intersection_callbacks(scene* scn, void* ctx,
intersect_first_cb intersect_first, intersect_any_cb intersect_any);
Sets the intersection callbacks
void init_intersection(scene* scn);
Initialize acceleration structure.
- Parameters:
- scn: trace scene
using logging_cb = std::function<void(const char*)>;
Logging callback
void set_logging_callbacks(
scene* scn, logging_cb log_info, logging_cb log_error);
void init_lights(scene* scn);
Initialize lighting.
- Parameters:
- scn: trace scene
enum struct shader_type {
pathtrace = 0,
Type of rendering algorithm (shader)
- Values:
- pathtrace: pathtrace
- eyelight: eye hight for quick previews
- direct: direct illumination
- direct_ao: direct illumination with ambient occlusion
enum struct rng_type {
uniform = 0,
Random number generator type
- Values:
- uniform: uniform random numbers
- stratified: stratified random numbers
- cmjs: correlated multi-jittered sampling
enum struct filter_type {
box = 1,
triangle = 2,
cubic = 3,
catmull_rom = 4,
mitchell = 5
Filter type
- Values:
- box: box filter
- triangle: hat filter
- cubic: cubic spline
- catmull_rom: Catmull-Rom spline
- mitchell: Mitchell-Netrevalli
struct trace_params {
int camera_id = 0;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
int nsamples = 256;
shader_type stype = shader_type::pathtrace;
rng_type rtype = rng_type::stratified;
filter_type ftype = filter_type::box;
bool aux_buffers = false;
ym::vec3f amb = {0, 0, 0};
bool envmap_invisible = false;
int min_depth = 3;
int max_depth = 8;
float pixel_clamp = 10;
float ray_eps = 1e-4f;
bool parallel = true;
Rendering params
- Members:
- camera_id: camera id
- width: width
- height: height
- nsamples: number of samples
- stype: sampler type
- rtype: random number generation type
- ftype: filter type
- aux_buffers: compute auxiliary buffers
- amb: ambient lighting
- envmap_invisible: view environment map
- min_depth: minimum ray depth
- max_depth: maximum ray depth
- pixel_clamp: final pixel clamping
- ray_eps: ray intersection epsilon
- parallel: parallel execution
void trace_block(const scene* scn, ym::vec4f* img, int block_x, int block_y,
int block_width, int block_height, int samples_min, int samples_max,
const trace_params& params);
Renders a block of sample
Notes: It is safe to call the function in parallel on different blocks. But two threads should not access the same pixels at the same time. Also blocks with different samples should be called sequentially if accumulate is true.
- Parameters:
- scn: trace scene
- cid: camera id
- img: pixel data in RGBA format (width/height in params)
- nsamples: number of samples
- block_x, block_y: block corner
- block_width, block_height: block width and height
- samples_min, samples_max: sample block to render [sample_min, sample_max]; max values are excluded
struct trace_state;
State for progressive rendering and denoising
trace_state* make_state();
Creates state
void init_state(
trace_state* state, const scene* scn, const trace_params& params);
Initialize state
void free_state(trace_state*& state);
Clear state
ym::image4f& get_traced_image(trace_state* state);
Grabs a reference to the image from the state
void get_aux_buffers(const trace_state* state, ym::image4f& norm,
ym::image4f& albedo, ym::image4f& depth);
Grabs the image from the state
int get_cur_sample(const trace_state* state);
Gets the current sample number
bool trace_next_samples(trace_state* state, int nsamples);
Trace the next nsamples samples.
inline ym::image4f trace_image(const scene* scn, const trace_params& params);
Trace the whole image
void trace_async_start(trace_state* state);
Starts an anyncrhounous renderer with a maximum of 256 samples.
void trace_async_stop(trace_state* state);
Stop the asynchronous renderer.