This changelog keeps track of changes in a user-friendly way. It is based on keep a changelog by Olivier Lacan.
v1.1.1 - 2023-07-11
- Enabled link time optimisation which reduces calculation time by at least 30 %.
v1.1.0 - 2022-12-06
- Added full support for charged atoms in structures, along with default ionic radii for common ions.
- The error message that occurs when an incomplete list of input arguments are provided in the CLI is now more descriptive.
- Chemical formulas no longer contain the subscript "1" when an atom only occurs once.
- The molecular volume is now also displayed in the results summary.
- Reports now include information to find results relevant to porous materials and cavities in cage compounds.
- Fix an issue where the application would crash, when an invalid elements file was provided while attempting to load a structure file.
- Fix an issue where some atoms were rarely counted twice inside unit cells, thus generating the wrong chemical formula.
v1.0.0 - 2021-09-14
- Allow CIF files for structure input.
- Add variants of selected space groups with rhombohedral/hexagonal or Origin-2 settings in the space_groups definition file.
- In two probe mode, cavity types such as Tunnels, Pockets, and Isolated Cavities can now be distinguished.
- Molecular volume including isolated cavities is now provided in the report.
- Cavity list output now hides unneeded columns, both in GUI and CLI.
- Default grid resolution is now 0.2 A instead of 0.1 A.
v0.2.0 - 2021-07-11
- The name of the output files from the automatic export option now include the name of the input structure file.
- Fully functional command line interface that allows accessing all functionalities directly form the command line.
- Macroscopic volume and surface area values are now provided in the report.
- Unit cell volume fractions are now provided in the report.
- Add drop down menu with common values to probe radius input text box.
- Copy-pasting file paths can now be done, by pressing enter inside the text box after pasting.
v0.1.0 - 2021-06-17
- First beta release