R Package for 2D and 3D mapping and data visualization
Color palette package in R inspired by works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
🛠️ 🌐 Thematic list of high-quality data science resources
An R plugin for {rayshader} to view a 3D vista anywhere on earth.
Functions to make it easy to process DEM data and add GPS traces to rstats Rayshader scenes, and to overlay mapbox and elevation shading imagery
Get DEMs and orthoimagery from the USGS National Map, georeference your images and merge rasters, and visualize with Unity 3D
A quick method for overlaying a Google Map satellite image on a 3D DEM using rayshader and ggmap packages.
Calculates multi-scale geomorphometric terrain attributes from regularly gridded DEM/bathymetry rasters.
This repo shares the ultimate guide to making cool 3D maps with rayshader and ggplot2 in R
Movement visualisation of bar-tailed godwit migration along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway
Some 30 Day Map challange maps. I won't get many done but I thought I'd keep track of what I do manage...
My submissions for the #30DayChartChallenge held on April 2022
This is the repository for the BernCity rayshader-map (see image below).
R package providing advanced plot tools for spatial (satellite, bathymetric and topographic) data
A script to plot GPS tracks onto 2D or 3D topographic maps.