The purpose of this project is to provide a DEAN digital classroom environment for educational project in Tanzania and Kenya. This includes providing full Android tablet support without any direct internet connectivity.
Please visit for more information.
This version of the ElimuPi build supports:
- F-Droid an Android application store.
- Web pages for management of the system and content management (WordPress).
- WiKiPedia alike functions based on Kiwix.
- Kolibri learning system.
- Dynamic content addition through USB storage.
- Secured WiFi Access Point.
- Local DHCP, DNS.
- PC or laptop with Linux, Windows with WSL or MacOS operating system installed.
- A Raspberry Pi model 4 with a wired TCP connection to LAN.
- A Micro SD-card class 10 > 8GB
- Git installed.
- Ansible 2.10 > installed.
- ssh_askpass installed.
- Raspberry Pi Imager installed.
- Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64 bits image , Release date: September 6th 2022.
- Ansible vault password ( contact DEAN development)
- Use Raspberry PI Imager to write the downloaded image to the SD-card using instructions at
- Insert the SD-card.
- Start Raspberry PI Imager.
- Under Operating system select Choose OS --> Use Custom and select the downloaded image - Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64 bits image , Release date: September 6th 2022.
- Under Storage and select the SD-card device.
- Select Advanced options --> Enable SSH --> Use password authentication.
- Set Username to: pi and Password to : elimupi and select SAVE.
- Select WRITE.
When the image has been successfully written insert the SD-card into the Raspberry Pi and boot the device connected to local LAN.
Provision the ElimuPi software by running the ansible-play book against local Raspberry Pi and build Elimupi the image.
- Find the Pi's assigned IP address on your local LAN. ( via Wifi router or a nmap).
- Git clone this repo and cd elimupi/ansible directory of this repo.
- Adjust the current IP adresss of key : ansible_host in file inventory.yml to your Pi's local assigned IP address.
- Increment version release number variable, elimupi_release: in file ansible/group_vars/all/vars.yml if needed.
- Install Ansible collections:
ansible-galaxy collection install -r collections.yml
- Install Ansible roles.
ansible-galaxy install -p ./roles -r roles.yml
- Run playbook
ansible-playbook -i ./inventory.yml playbook-raspberrypi.yml --ask-vault-pass
The installation will take approximately 20 minutes to finish and there shouldn't be any errors.
- Create a image copy of the SD-card with the ElimuPi software installed using instructions at
- Shrink cloned the image file ( Linux Only) using PiShrink.
- gzip the shrinked image file.
- Name the image: ElimuPi_Image_2022-09-06-raspios-bullseye-arm64_lite_Release_<-Version->.img.gz e.g
This should produce a 2.8GB gzipped compressed Elimupi image file.
The image file can than be directly written to other SD-cards using Raspberry Pi Imager selecting the image with Use Custom Operation System option.
- Disconnect the Raspberry PI's TCP wired connection.
- Connect your device via WiFi to SSID: elimu using passcode: 1234567890
- Point your browser to
All default username and passwords will be pi/elimupi unless noted differently.
The default password for the Wifi AP with SSID: 'elimu' is : 1234567890
The end users can access the available resources after they are connected to the Wifi network.
The following links are provided to access the resources:
- Main interface -
- Kolibri -
- Kiwix -
- Fdroid -
- Files -
- Moodle -
- Admin -
After you finished the installation you need to visit login with the Admin account and go to Manage --> "Please follow the directions to register your device, so that it can synchronize with the central server."
NOTE1: This install is tested to work with Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64 bits image , Release date: September 6th 2022. on a Raspberry Pi model 4.