* Ogre exporter for Maya *
* *
* Author: Francesco Giordana ( [email protected] ) *
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* Sponsored by: Anygma N.V. ( http://www.nazooka.com ) *
* *
Copy "ogreExporter.mll" to your Maya plug-ins directory (e.g.:
C:\Program Files\Alias\Maya7.0\bin\plug-ins
) -
Copy Ogre DLLs (you can find them in the "dlls" directory of this zip) to your Maya bin directory (e.g.:
C:\Program Files\Alias\Maya7.0\bin
) -
Copy "ogreExporter.mel" (from the "mel" directory of this zip) to your Maya scripts directory (e.g.:
C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\maya\6.5\scripts
) -
If you already have a userSetup.mel in your scripts folder, then append the line source ogreExporter.mel; to the existing "userSetup.mel". If you don't have a "userSetup.mel" file in your scripts directory, then copy there the one you find in the "scripts" directory of this zip.
to install the latest Visual Studio DLLs
Via GUI from the menu Ogre->Export
Via script:
ogreExport generalOptions
["-mesh" meshFilename meshOptions]
export mesh to .mesh binary file
["-mat" matFilename matOptions]
export materials to .material script file
["-skel" skelFilename]
export skeleton to .skeleton binary file
["-skeletonAnims" skelAnimsOptions ["-skeletonClip" clipName clipOptions] ["-clip" ...] [...] ]
export skeleton animations to the .skeleton file
[requires -skel]
["-vertexAnims" vertexAnimOptions ["-vertexClip" clipName clipOptions] ["-clip" ...] [...] ]
export vertex animations as morph animations to the .mesh file
[requires -mesh]
["-blendShapes"] bsOptions
export blend shapes as mesh poses to the .mesh file
[requires -mesh]
["-BSAnims" ["-BSClip" clipName clipOptions] ["-clip" ...] [...] ]
export blend shape animations as pose animations to the .mesh file
[requires -mesh]
["-particles" particlesFilename]
export particles to .particle file
"-sel" | "-all" export whole scene or only selected objects
"-world" | "-obj" export in world or object coordinates
"-lu " "pref | mm | cm | m | in | ft | yd" select length unit for export
("-lu pref" means to get unit from scene
"-scale" s scale the whole mesh by s
["-shared"] export using shared geometry
["-v"] export vertex bone assignements
["-n"] export vertex normals
["-c"] export vertex colours
["-t"] export texture coordinates
["-edges"] generate mesh edge list
["-tangents" "TEXCOORD | TANGENT"] generate tangents
["-tangentsplitmirrored"] split tangents mirrored
["-tangentsplitrotated"] split tangents rotated
["-tangentuseparity"] use parity for tangents
["-matPrefix" prefix] add prefix to all exported materials names [optional]
["-copyTex" outDir] copy textures used in the exported materials to outDir [optional]
["-lightOff"] export materials with lighting off [optional]
"-skelBB" include skeleton animations in bounding box calculation
"-np" ( "curFrame" | "bindPose" | "frame" n ) specify neutral pose, can be current frame or bind pose or specified frame
["-bsBB"] include blend shapes in bounding box calculation
["-vertBB"] include vertex animations in bounding box calculation
"startEnd" s e ("frames" | "seconds") | "timeSlider" specify clip range with start/end time or use time slider range
- Some users reported that they need to add an additional "-v" parameter after "-q" into the file "ogreExporter.mel", in the lines 1924 to 1926 (details: Maya Ogre Exporter Save Settings problem - Download the fix)