The CSES problemset is a great collection of some standard problems which I would highly recommend going through.
These are my solutions to some of the problems.
- Sorting and Searching
- Distinct Numbers
- Apartments
- Ferris Wheel
- Concert Tickets
- Restaurant Customers
- Movie Festival
- Sum of Two Values
- Maximum Subarray Sum
- Stick Lengths
- Missing Coin Sum
- Collecting Numbers
- Collecting Numbers II
- Playlist
- Towers
- Traffic Lights
- Josephus Problem I
- Josephus Problem II
- Nested Ranges Check
- Nested Ranges Count
- Room Allocation
- Factory Machines
- Tasks and Deadlines
- Reading Books
- Sum of Three Values
- Sum of Four Values
- Nearest Smaller Values
- Subarray Sums I
- Subarray Sums II
- Subarray Divisibility
- Subarray Distinct Values
- Array Division
- Sliding Median
- Sliding Cost
- Movie Festival II
- Maximum Subarray Sum II
- Dynamic Programming
- Graph Algorithms
- Counting Rooms
- Labyrinth
- Building Roads
- Message Route
- Building Teams
- Round Trip
- Monsters
- Shortest Routes I
- Shortest Routes II
- High Score
- Flight Discount
- Cycle Finding
- Flight Routes
- Round Trip II
- Course Schedule
- Longest Flight Route
- Game Routes
- Investigation
- Planets Queries I [TODO]
- Planets Queries II [TODO]
- Planets Cycles [TODO]
- Road Reparation
- Road Construction
- Flight Routes Check [TODO]
- Planets and Kingdoms
- Giant Pizza
- Coin Collector
- Mail Delivery
- De Bruijn Sequence [TODO]
- Teleporters Path
- Hamiltonian Flights
- Knight's Tour [TODO]
- Download Speed [TODO]
- Police Chase [TODO]
- School Dance [TODO]
- Distinct Routes [TODO]
- Tree Algorithms
- Subordinates
- Tree Matching
- Tree Diameter
- Tree Distances I
- Tree Distances II
- Company Queries I
- Company Queries II
- Distance Queries
- Counting Paths
- Subtree Queries
- Path Queries
- Path Queries II [TODO]
- Distinct Colors
- Finding a Centroid [TODO]
- Fixed-Length Paths I [TODO]
- Fixed-Length Paths II [TODO]