This sample shows how to use the Windows.Devices.Sensors.OrientationSensor API.
This sample allows the user to view the rotation matrix and Quaternion values that reflect the current device orientation. You can choose one of these scenarios:
- Orientation sensor data events
- Poll orientation sensor readings
- Sensor calibration
When you click the Enable button for the Data Events option, the app begins streaming sensor readings in real time.
When you click the Enable button for the Polling option, the app will retrieve the current sensor readings.
Allows the user to simulate sensor accuracy and demonstrates usage of the calibration bar.
Windows.Devices.Sensors namespace
Client: Windows 10 Technical Preview
Server: Windows 10 Technical Preview
Phone: Windows 10 Technical Preview
- Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and select File > Open > Project/Solution.
- Go to the directory to which you unzipped the sample. Then go to the subdirectory containing the sample in the language you desire - either C++, C#, or JavaScript. Double-click the Visual Studio 2015 Solution (.sln) file.
- Press Ctrl+Shift+B, or select Build > Build Solution.
The next steps depend on whether you just want to deploy the sample or you want to both deploy and run it.
- Select Build > Deploy Solution.
- To debug the sample and then run it, press F5 or select Debug > Start Debugging. To run the sample without debugging, press Ctrl+F5 or selectDebug > Start Without Debugging.