go-matcher is a graphite glob/seriesByTag expressions batch match engine for Go.
It doesn't have constant time guarantees like the built-in regexp
package, but it allows backtracking and is compatible with regexp
Contains 2 parts:
- glob - graphite glob expressions match engine (no dot-separation)
- gglob - graphite glob expressions match engine (dot-separated)
- gtags - graphite tags (with seriesByTag) expressions match engine
- expand - expand graphite glob expressions
This is a go-gettable library, so install is easy:
go get github.com/msaf1980/go-matcher/gglob
go get github.com/msaf1980/go-matcher/gtags
w:= gglob.NewGlobMatcher()
err = w.Adds([]string{"a.b", "d.*"})
if err != nil {
// get matched globs (also contain normalized versions of globs)
matchedGlobs := w.Match(path)
// use preallocated slice (for better perfomance
// var matchedGlobs []string
matchedGlobs := matchedGlobs[:0]
w.MatchB(path, &matchedGlobs)
With splitted path parts
w:= gglob.NewGlobMatcher()
err = w.Adds([]string{"a.b", "d.*"})
if err != nil {
parts := wildcards.PathSplit(path)
// get matched globs (also contain normalized versions of globs)
matchedGlobs := w.MatchByParts(parts)
// use preallocated slice (for better perfomance
// var matchedGlobs []string
matchedGlobs := matchedGlobs[:0]
w.MatchByPartsB(parts, &matchedGlobs)
Get macthed globs index
var buf strings.Builder
globs := []string{"a.b", "d.*"}
w:= gglob.NewGlobMatcher()
for i, glob := range globs {
_, err = w.AddIndexed(glob, i, &buf)
if err != nil {
// get matched globs indexes
matchedIndex := w.MatchIndexed(path)
// use preallocated slice (for better perfomance)
// var matchedIndex []int
matchedIndex := matchedIndex[:0]
w.MatchB(path, &matchedIndex)
// get first mached (with lowest index number)
first := -1
w.MatchFirst(path, &first)
Get macthed globs index with splitted path parts
var buf strings.Builder
globs := []string{"a.b", "d.*"}
w:= gglob.NewGlobMatcher()
for i, glob := range globs {
_, err = w.AddIndexed(glob, i, &buf)
if err != nil {
parts := wildcards.PathSplit(path)
// get matched globs indexes
matchedIndex := w.MatchIndexedByParts(parts)
// use preallocated slice (for better perfomance)
// var matchedIndex []int
matchedIndex := matchedIndex[:0]
w.MatchByPartsB(parts, &matchedIndex)
// get first mached (with lowest index number)
first := -1
w.MatchFirstByParts(parts, &first)
w:= gtags.NewTagsMatcher()
err = w.Adds([]string{`seriesByTag('__name__=a.b','b=d.*', '__name__=a.b','b=e')`})
if err != nil {
tags, err := PathTags(path)
if err != nil {
// get matched globs (also contain normalized versions of globs)
matchedQueries := w.MatchByTags(tags)
// use preallocated slice (for better perfomance
// var matchedQueries []string
matchedQueries := matchedQueries[:0]
w.MatchByTagsB(tags, &matchedQueries)
Get macthed globs index
var buf strings.Builder
queries := []string{`seriesByTag('__name__=a.b','b=d.*', '__name__=a.b','b=e')`}
w:= gtags.NewTagsMatcher()
for i, query := range queries {
_, err = w.AddIndexed(glob, i, &buf)
if err != nil {
// get matched globs indexes
matchedIndex := w.MatchIndexedByTags(path)
// use preallocated slice (for better perfomance)
// var matchedIndex []int
matchedIndex := matchedIndex[:0]
w.MatchByTagsB(path, &matchedIndex)
// get first mached (with lowest index number)
first := -1
w.MatchFirstByTags(path, &first)
See documentation.