Using the RESTserver a client can:
- Access the data of the Tuya and x-device devices in IoTwebUI
- Launch a scene ('tap-tro-run) or a RULE (with name).
The simplest application of these features is the creation of user interfaces in HTML (WEB) as a REST client.
Here we have a collection of examples:
a) Widget Libraries: they have the particularity that it is enough to place a widget with two numbers (x, y) in a web page with a background:
the update and the operation is automatic. All the example pages are made with this fast and simple technique.
They reside in the dir html/inc/
- iotwidget01.js offers 6 widgets: icon, icotip, value, bigvalue, bigbutton, imgbutton
- iotwidget02.js new 6 widgets: signal, switch, gauge, linechart, multichart, areachart.
- iotwidget01.css required by
- restget.js required by
b) Usage examples ( dir html/
- clima01.html example of a possible UI, uses only
and, as a backend, the x-deviceclima01-xdevice.js
. Uses real devices as the data source (requires customization). For details see clima01-readme with information about the MPV pattern used! - test02.html only to show the widget's look and feel: uses only
and uses real devices as the data source (requires customization). For details see test02-readme
In addition, in the dir, there are some graphic files required by the examples.
These are complete applications that use x-device + html, and are grouped in a separate dir with their documentation.
See list of APPs implemented with Tuya + IoTwebUI + UI