Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications
Peace of mind from prototype to production
Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
Automate code & data workflows with interactive Elixir notebooks
Multi-dimensional arrays (tensors) and numerical definitions for Elixir
Pre-trained Neural Network models in Axon (+ 🤗 Models integration)
Svelte inside Phoenix LiveView with seamless end-to-end reactivity
Series (one-dimensional) and dataframes (two-dimensional) for fast and elegant data exploration in Elixir
Phoenix + Live View HEEX Components
Phoenix Liveview component library inspired by shadcn UI
An @elixir-lang code-style enforcer that will just FIFY instead of complaining
Niex is an interactive Elixir code notebook built with Phoenix LiveView.
A production ready example Phoenix app that's using Docker and Docker Compose.
A library for semantically coherent text chunking
Mix task to add Tailwind CSS to a new Phoenix 1.6+ project