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This is the report template for the exam. Please only remove the text formatted as with three dashes in front and behind like:
--- question 1 fill here ---
where you instead should add your answers. Any other changes may have unwanted consequences when your report is
auto-generated at the end of the course. For questions where you are asked to include images, start by adding the image
to the figures
subfolder (please only use .png
, .jpg
or .jpeg
) and then add the following code in your answer:
In addition to this markdown file, we also provide the
script that provides two utility functions:
python html
will generate a .html
page of your report. After the deadline for answering this template, we will auto-scrape
everything in this reports
folder and then use this utility to generate an .html
page that will be your serve
as your final hand-in.
python check
will check your answers in this template against the constraints listed for each question e.g. is your answer too short, too long, or have you included an image when asked to.
For both functions to work you mustn't rename anything. The script has two dependencies that can be installed with
pip install click markdown
The checklist is exhaustive which means that it includes everything that you could do on the project included in the curriculum in this course. Therefore, we do not expect at all that you have checked all boxes at the end of the project.
- Create a git repository
- Make sure that all team members have write access to the GitHub repository
- Create a dedicated environment for you project to keep track of your packages
- Create the initial file structure using cookiecutter
- Fill out the
file such that it downloads whatever data you need and - Add a model file and a training script and get that running
- Remember to fill out the
file with whatever dependencies that you are using - Remember to comply with good coding practices (
) while doing the project - Do a bit of code typing and remember to document essential parts of your code
- Setup version control for your data or part of your data
- Construct one or multiple docker files for your code
- Build the docker files locally and make sure they work as intended
- Write one or multiple configurations files for your experiments
- Used Hydra to load the configurations and manage your hyperparameters
- When you have something that works somewhat, remember at some point to to some profiling and see if you can optimize your code
- Use Weights & Biases to log training progress and other important metrics/artifacts in your code. Additionally, consider running a hyperparameter optimization sweep.
- Use Pytorch-lightning (if applicable) to reduce the amount of boilerplate in your code
- Write unit tests related to the data part of your code
- Write unit tests related to model construction and or model training
- Calculate the coverage.
- Get some continuous integration running on the GitHub repository
- Create a data storage in GCP Bucket for you data and preferable link this with your data version control setup
- Create a trigger workflow for automatically building your docker images
- Get your model training in GCP using either the Engine or Vertex AI
- Create a FastAPI application that can do inference using your model
- If applicable, consider deploying the model locally using torchserve
- Deploy your model in GCP using either Functions or Run as the backend
- Check how robust your model is towards data drifting
- Setup monitoring for the system telemetry of your deployed model
- Setup monitoring for the performance of your deployed model
- If applicable, play around with distributed data loading
- If applicable, play around with distributed model training
- Play around with quantization, compilation and pruning for you trained models to increase inference speed
- Revisit your initial project description. Did the project turn out as you wanted?
- Make sure all group members have a understanding about all parts of the project
- Uploaded all your code to github
Enter the group number you signed up on <>
--- question 1 fill here ---
Enter the study number for each member in the group
--- question 2 fill here ---
What framework did you choose to work with and did it help you complete the project?
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words.
Example: We used the third-party framework ... in our project. We used functionality ... and functionality ... from the package to do ... and ... in our project.
--- question 3 fill here ---
In the following section we are interested in learning more about you local development environment.
Explain how you managed dependencies in your project? Explain the process a new team member would have to go through to get an exact copy of your environment.
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words
Example: We used ... for managing our dependencies. The list of dependencies was auto-generated using ... . To get a complete copy of our development environment, one would have to run the following commands
--- question 4 fill here ---
We expect that you initialized your project using the cookiecutter template. Explain the overall structure of your code. Did you fill out every folder or only a subset?
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words
Example: From the cookiecutter template we have filled out the ... , ... and ... folder. We have removed the ... folder because we did not use any ... in our project. We have added an ... folder that contains ... for running our experiments. Answer:
--- question 5 fill here ---
Did you implement any rules for code quality and format? Additionally, explain with your own words why these concepts matters in larger projects.
Recommended answer length: 50-100 words.
--- question 6 fill here ---
In the following section we are interested in how version control was used in your project during development to corporate and increase the quality of your code.
How many tests did you implement and what are they testing in your code?
Recommended answer length: 50-100 words.
Example: In total we have implemented X tests. Primarily we are testing ... and ... as these the most critical parts of our application but also ... .
--- question 7 fill here ---
What is the total code coverage (in percentage) of your code? If you code had an code coverage of 100% (or close to), would you still trust it to be error free? Explain you reasoning.
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words.
Example: *The total code coverage of code is X%, which includes all our source code. We are far from 100% coverage of our ** code and even if we were then...
--- question 8 fill here ---
Did you workflow include using branches and pull requests? If yes, explain how. If not, explain how branches and pull request can help improve version control.
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words.
Example: We made use of both branches and PRs in our project. In our group, each member had an branch that they worked on in addition to the main branch. To merge code we ...
--- question 9 fill here ---
Did you use DVC for managing data in your project? If yes, then how did it improve your project to have version control of your data. If no, explain a case where it would be beneficial to have version control of your data.
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words.
Example: We did make use of DVC in the following way: ... . In the end it helped us in ... for controlling ... part of our pipeline
--- question 10 fill here ---
Discuss you continuous integration setup. What kind of continuous integration are you running (unittesting, linting, etc.)? Do you test multiple operating systems, Python version etc. Do you make use of caching? Feel free to insert a link to one of your GitHub actions workflow.
Recommended answer length: 200-300 words.
Example: We have organized our continuous integration into 3 separate files: one for doing ..., one for running ... testing and one for running ... . In particular for our ..., we used ... .An example of a triggered workflow can be seen here:
--- question 11 fill here ---
In the following section we are interested in learning more about the experimental setup for running your code and especially the reproducibility of your experiments.
How did you configure experiments? Did you make use of config files? Explain with coding examples of how you would run a experiment.
Recommended answer length: 50-100 words.
Example: We used a simple argparser, that worked in the following way: Python --lr 1e-3 --batch_size 25
--- question 12 fill here ---
Reproducibility of experiments are important. Related to the last question, how did you secure that no information is lost when running experiments and that your experiments are reproducible?
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words.
Example: We made use of config files. Whenever an experiment is run the following happens: ... . To reproduce an experiment one would have to do ...
--- question 13 fill here ---
Upload 1 to 3 screenshots that show the experiments that you have done in W&B (or another experiment tracking service of your choice). This may include loss graphs, logged images, hyperparameter sweeps etc. You can take inspiration from this figure. Explain what metrics you are tracking and why they are important.
Recommended answer length: 200-300 words + 1 to 3 screenshots.
Example: As seen in the first image when have tracked ... and ... which both inform us about ... in our experiments. As seen in the second image we are also tracking ... and ...
--- question 14 fill here ---
Docker is an important tool for creating containerized applications. Explain how you used docker in your experiments? Include how you would run your docker images and include a link to one of your docker files.
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words.
Example: For our project we developed several images: one for training, inference and deployment. For example to run the training docker image:
docker run trainer:latest lr=1e-3 batch_size=64
. Link to docker file:Answer:
--- question 15 fill here ---
When running into bugs while trying to run your experiments, how did you perform debugging? Additionally, did you try to profile your code or do you think it is already perfect?
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words.
Example: Debugging method was dependent on group member. Some just used ... and others used ... . We did a single profiling run of our main code at some point that showed ...
--- question 16 fill here ---
In the following section we would like to know more about your experience when developing in the cloud.
List all the GCP services that you made use of in your project and shortly explain what each service does?
Recommended answer length: 50-200 words.
Example: We used the following two services: Engine and Bucket. Engine is used for... and Bucket is used for...
--- question 17 fill here ---
The backbone of GCP is the Compute engine. Explained how you made use of this service and what type of VMs you used?
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words.
Example: We used the compute engine to run our ... . We used instances with the following hardware: ... and we started the using a custom container: ...
--- question 18 fill here ---
Insert 1-2 images of your GCP bucket, such that we can see what data you have stored in it. You can take inspiration from this figure.
--- question 19 fill here ---
Upload one image of your GCP artifact registry, such that we can see the different images that you have stored. You can take inspiration from this figure.
--- question 20 fill here ---
Upload one image of your GCP cloud build history, so we can see the history of the images that have been build in your project. You can take inspiration from this figure.
--- question 21 fill here ---
Did you manage to deploy your model, either in locally or cloud? If not, describe why. If yes, describe how and preferably how you invoke your deployed service?
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words.
Example: For deployment we wrapped our model into application using ... . We first tried locally serving the model, which worked. Afterwards we deployed it in the cloud, using ... . To invoke the service an user would call
curl -X POST -F "[email protected]"<weburl>
--- question 22 fill here ---
Did you manage to implement monitoring of your deployed model? If yes, explain how it works. If not, explain how monitoring would help the longevity of your application.
Recommended answer length: 100-200 words.
Example: We did not manage to implement monitoring. We would like to have monitoring implemented such that over time we could measure ... and ... that would inform us about this ... behaviour of our application.
--- question 23 fill here ---
How many credits did you end up using during the project and what service was most expensive?
Recommended answer length: 25-100 words.
Example: Group member 1 used ..., Group member 2 used ..., in total ... credits was spend during development. The service costing the most was ... due to ...
--- question 24 fill here ---
In the following section we would like you to think about the general structure of your project.
Include a figure that describes the overall architecture of your system and what services that you make use of. You can take inspiration from this figure. Additionally in your own words, explain the overall steps in figure.
Recommended answer length: 200-400 words
The starting point of the diagram is our local setup, where we integrated ... and ... and ... into our code. Whenever we commit code and push to github, it auto triggers ... and ... . From there the diagram shows ...
--- question 25 fill here ---
Discuss the overall struggles of the project. Where did you spend most time and what did you do to overcome these challenges?
Recommended answer length: 200-400 words.
Example: The biggest challenges in the project was using ... tool to do ... . The reason for this was ...
--- question 26 fill here ---
State the individual contributions of each team member. This is required information from DTU, because we need to make sure all members contributed actively to the project
Recommended answer length: 50-200 words.
Example: Student sXXXXXX was in charge of developing of setting up the initial cookie cutter project and developing of the docker containers for training our applications. Student sXXXXXX was in charge of training our models in the cloud and deploying them afterwards. All members contributed to code by...
--- question 27 fill here ---