Simple, lightweight, api-driven log aggregation service with realtime push capabilities and historical persistence.
# start server (may require commented flags)
logvac -s # -A /tmp/auth.db -d /tmp/logvac.db -u
# add auth token (using default 'auth-address')
logvac add-token -t TOKEN
# add a log via http
curl -k -H "X-USER-TOKEN: TOKEN" \
-d '{"id":"log-test", "type":"log", "message":"my first log"}'
# view log via http
curl -k ""
# Congratulations logmaster!
If you're seeing any of the following errors, run logvac with admin or sudo privileges (or adjust your configuration):
Authenticator failed to initialize - open /var/db/log-auth.bolt: permission denied
Collector failed to initialize - listen udp bind: permission denied
If logvac doesn't seem to be doing anything (adding/fecthing logs), there is a chance you've started the server with authentication (the default) but have forgotten to add a token:
logvac add-token -t TOKEN
If your logs aren't showing up where you think they should, try checking the 'app' type and see if they are there. By default logvac will log to
(unless changed via config options). If you have a malformed entry (even with a type specified) it will end up there:curl -k ""
logvac [flags]
logvac [command]
Available Commands:
add-token Add http publish/subscribe authentication token
export Export http publish/subscribe authentication tokens
import Import http publish/subscribe authentication tokens
-A, --auth-address string Address or file location of authentication db. ('boltdb:///var/db/logvac.bolt' or 'postgresql://') (default "boltdb:///var/db/log-auth.bolt")
-c, --config-file string config file location for server
-C, --cors-allow string Sets the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header (default "*")
-d, --db-address string Log storage address (default "boltdb:///var/db/logvac.bolt")
-i, --insecure Don't use TLS (used for testing)
-a, --listen-http string API listen address (same endpoint for http log collection) (default "")
-t, --listen-tcp string TCP log collection endpoint (default "")
-u, --listen-udp string UDP log collection endpoint (default "")
-k, --log-keep string Age or number of logs to keep per type '{"app":"2w", "deploy": 10}'' (int or X(m)in, (h)our, (d)ay, (w)eek, (y)ear) (default "{\"app\":\"2w\"}")
-l, --log-level string Level at which to log (default "info")
-L, --log-type string Default type to apply to incoming logs (commonly used: app|deploy) (default "app")
-p, --pub-address string Log publisher (mist) address ("mist://")
-P, --pub-auth string Log publisher (mist) auth token
-s, --server Run as server
-T, --token string Administrative token to add/remove 'X-USER-TOKEN's used to pub/sub via http (default "secret")
-v, --version Print version info and exit
Config File: (takes precedence over cli flags)
// logvac.json
"listen-http": "",
"listen-udp": "",
"listen-tcp": "",
"pub-address": "",
"pub-auth": "",
"db-address": "boltdb:///var/db/logvac.bolt",
"auth-address": "boltdb:///var/db/log-auth.bolt",
"cors-allow": "*",
"log-keep": "{\"app\":\"2w\"}",
"log-type": "app",
"log-level": "info",
"token": "secret",
"insecure": false,
"server": true
logvac -c logvac.json
## OR (uses defaults seen in config file)
logvac -s
# logvac export dumps the authenticator's database for importing to another authenticator database
logvac export | logvac import -A '/tmp/copy-log-auth.bolt'
## OR
# works with files too
logvac export -f log-auth.dump
# unless the end user sets auth-address to "", an auth-token will need to be added in order to publish/fetch logs via http
logvac add-token -t "user1-token"
## if you specified a different auth-address for your server, specify it here as such:
logvac add-token -t "user1-token" -A "boltdb:///tmp/log-auth.bolt"
See syslog examples here
See http examples here
Important Note: javascript clients may see up-to a ~100 nanosecond variance when specifying 'start=xxx' as a query parameter due to javascript's lack of precision for the 'number' datatype
- Negate tag (msg.Tag != tag) in drain.Slice if tag[0] == "!"
- Cleanup postgres authenticator db
- Allow multiple filters (id=web.dashboard&id=data.redis)
Contributions to the logvac project are welcome and encouraged. Logvac is a Nanobox project and contributions should follow the Nanobox Contribution Process & Guidelines.
Mozilla Public License Version 2.0