To test Obstracts we use a Jekyll blog we've created for exactly this purpose.
You can clone this repo, and then setup with Github pages to get a blog running online that you can use.
python3 -m venv obstracts-venv
source obstracts-venv/bin/activate
# install requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
st run --checks all --generation-allow-x00 true
This will add profiles used by tests (and also delete all existing profiles)
python3 tests/
To run a controlled test we use fakeblog123 which we control. This will import the same blog and posts each time, but the blog has multiple feeds, useful for testing identical extractions
python3 tests/
If you only want to import one of the blogs listed in the test, grab its url and run the following;
python3 tests/ \
--url ""
This test will delete all existing blogs and add real security using the profile created by the previous script
python3 tests/
After adding test blogs successfully, you can use fakeblog123 to run stable tests to check all the Obstracts post features;
python3 tests/