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An easy to use, extensible, well-documented library for mapping Ruby objects to XML and back.


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= XML-MAPPING: XML-to-object (and back) mapper for Ruby, including XPath interpreter

Xml-mapping is an easy to use, extensible library that allows you to
semi-automatically map Ruby objects to XML trees and vice versa. It is
easy to use and has a modular design that allows for easy extension of
its functionality.

== Example

(example document stolen + extended from

=== Input document:

  :include: order.xml

=== Mapping class declaration:

  :include: order.rb

=== Usage:

  :include: order_usage.intout

== Description

As shown in the example, you have to include XML::Mapping into a class
to turn it into a "mapping class". There are no other restrictions
imposed on mapping classes; you can add attributes and methods to
them, include additional modules in them, derive them from other
classes, derive other classes from them etc.pp.

An instance of a mapping class can be created from/converted into an
XML node by means of instance methods like XML::Mapping.load_from_xml,
XML::Mapping#save_to_xml, XML::Mapping.load_from_file,
XML::Mapping#save_to_file. Special class methods like "text_node",
"array_node" etc., called "node factory methods", may be called from
the body of the class definition to define instance attributes that
are automatically and bidirectionally mapped to subtrees of the XML
element an instance of the class is mapped to. For example, in the

  class Address
    include XML::Mapping

    text_node :city, "City"
    text_node :state, "State"
    numeric_node :zip, "ZIP"
    text_node :street, "Street"

the first call to #text_node creates an attribute named "city" which
is mapped to the text of the XML child element defined by the XPath
expression "City" (xml-mapping includes an XPath interpreter that can
also be used seperately; see below). When you create an instance of
+Address+ from an XML element (using Address.load_from_file(file_name)
or Address.load_from_xml(rexml_element)), that instance's "city"
attribute will be set to the text of the XML element's "City" child
element. When you convert an instance of Address into an XML element,
a sub-element "City" is added and it text is set to the current value
of the +city+ attribute. The other node types (numeric_node,
array_node etc.) work analogously. The node types +object_node+,
+array_node+, and +hash_node+ recursively map sub-trees to instances
of mapping classes (as opposed to simple types like String
etc.). For example, with the line

  array_node :signatures, "Signed-By", "Signature", :class=>Signature, :default_value=>[]

, an attribute named "signatures" is added to the surrounding class
(here: Order); the attribute will be an array whose elements
correspond to the XML elements yielded by the XPath
"Signed-By/Signature". Each element will be of class +Signature+ (each
array element is created from the corresponding XML element by just
calling <tt>Signature.load_from_xml(the_xml_element)</tt>). The reason
why the path "Signed-By/Signature" is provieded in two arguments
instead of just one combined one becomes apparent when marshalling the
array (along with the surrounding object) back into a sequence of XML
elements. When that happens, "Signed-By" names the common base element
for all those elements, and "Signature" is the path that will be
duplicated for each element. The input document in the example above
shows how this ends up looking.

Hash nodes work similarly, but they define hash-valued attributes
instead of array-valued ones.

Refer to the reference documentation for details about the node types
that are included in the xml-mapping library.

=== Default values

For each node you may define a _default value_ which will be set if
there was no value defined for the attribute in the XML source.

From the example:

  class Signature
    include XML::Mapping

    text_node :position, "Position", :default_value=>"Some Employee"

The semantics of default values are as follows:

- when creating a new instance from scratch:

  - attributes with default values are set to their default values

  - attributes without default values are left unset

  (when defining your own initializer, you'll have to call the
  inherited _initialize_ method in order to get this behaviour)

- when loading:

  - attributes without default values that are not represented in the
    XML raise an error

  - attributes with default values that are not represented in the XML
    are set to their default values

  - all other attributes are set to their respective values as present
    in the XML

- when saving:

  - unset attributes without default values raise an error

  - attributes with default values that are set to their default
    values are not saved

  - all other attributes are saved

This implies that:

- attributes that are set to their respective default values are not
  represented in the XML

- attributes without default values must be set explicitly before

=== Attribute handling details, augmenting existing classes

I'll shed some more light on how xml-mapping adds mapped attributes to
Ruby classes. An attribute declaration like

  text_node :city, "City"

maps some portion of the XML tree (here: the "City" sub-element) to an
attribute (here: "city") of the class whose body the declaration
appears in. When writing (marshalling) instances of the surrounding
class into an XML document, xml-mapping will read the attribute value
from the instance using the function named +city+; when reading
(unmarshalling) an instance from an XML document, xml-mapping will use
the one-parameter function <tt>city=</tt> to set the attribute in the
instance to the value read from the XML document.

If these functions don't exist at the time the node declaration is
executed, xml-mapping adds default implementations that simply
read/write the attribute value to instance variables that have the
same name as the attribute. For example, the +city+ attribute
declaration in the +Address+ class in the example added functions
+city+ and <tt>city=</tt> that read/write from/to the instance
variable <tt>@city</tt>.

If, however, these functions already exist prior to defining the
attributes, xml-mapping will leave them untouched, so your precious
self-written accessor methods that do whatever complicated internal
processing of the data won't be overwritten.

This means that you can not only create new mapping classes from
scratch, you can also take existing classes that contain some
"business logic" and "augment" them with xml-mapping capabilities. As
a simple example, let's augment Ruby's "Time" class with node
declarations that declare XML mappings for the day, month etc. fields:

  :include: time_augm.intout

Here XML mappings are defined for the existing fields +year+, +month+
etc. Xml-apping noticed that the getter methods for those attributes
existed, so it didn't overwrite them. When calling +save_to_xml+ on a
+Time+ object, these methods are called and return the object's values
for those fields, which then get written to the output XML. Of course
you could also derive a new class from your pre-existing business
class and implement the XML::Mapping stuff there, or even derive
several such classes in order to define more than one XML mapping for
the same business class.

It should be mentioned that in the +Time+ example above, the setter
methods (<tt>year=</tt>, <tt>month=</tt> etc.) don't exist in +Time+
(+Time+ objects are immutable), so xml-mapping defined its own setter
methods that just set <tt>@year</tt>, <tt>@month</tt> etc., which is
pretty useless for this case. So you can't really read +Time+ values
back from an XML representation in this example. You'll need
<tt>blah</tt> and <tt>blah=(x)</tt> methods for each +blah+ attribute
that you want to define an XML mapping for.

=== Defining your own node types

It's easy to write additional node types and register them with the
xml-mapping library. Let's say we want to extend the +Signature+ class
from the example to include the time at which the signature was
created. We want the new XML representation of such a signature to
look like this:

  :include: order_signature_enhanced.xml

(we only save year, month and day to make this example shorter), and
the mapping class declaration to look like this:

  :include: order_signature_enhanced.rb

(i.e. a new "time_node" declaration was added).

We want this +signed_on+ call to define an attribute named +signed_on+
which holds the date value from the XML in an instance of class

This node type can be defined with this piece of code:

  :include: time_node.rb

The last line registers the new node type with the xml-mapping
library. The name of the node factory method ("time_node") is
automatically derived from the class name of the node type

There will be one instance of the node type per mapping class (not per
mapping class instance). That instance will be created by the node
factory method (+time_node+); there's no need to instantiate the node
type directly. Whenever an instance of the mapping class needs to be
marshalled/unmarshalled to/from XML, +set_attr_value+
resp. +extract_attr_value+ will be called on the node type instance
("node" for short).  The node factory method places the node into the
mapping class; the @owner attribute of the node is set to reference
the mapping class. The node factory method passes its arguments (in
the example, that would be <tt>:signed_on, "signed-on",
:default_value=></tt>) to the node's initializer. TimeNode's
parent class XML::Mapping::SingleAttributeNode already handles the
<tt>:signed_on</tt> and <tt>:default_value=></tt> arguments --
<tt>:signed_on</tt> is stored into <tt>@attrname</tt>, and the default
value declarations will be described in a moment. The remaining
argument <tt>"signed-on"</tt> gets passed to our +initialize_impl+
method as parameter _path_. We'll interpret it as an XPath expression
that locates the time value relative to the parent mapping object's
XML tree (in this case, this would be the XML tree rooted at the
+<Signature>+ element, i.e. the tree the +Signature+ instance was read
from). We'll later have to read/store the year, month, and day values
from <tt>path+"/year"</tt>, <tt>path+"/month"</tt>, and
<tt>path+"/day"</tt>, respectively, so we create (and precompile)
three corresponding XPath expressions using and store
them into member variables of the node. XML::XPath is an XPath
implementation that is bundled with xml-mapping. It is very
incomplete, but it supports writing (not just reading) of XML nodes,
which is needed to support writing data back to XML. The XML::XPath
library is explained in more detail below.

The +extract_attr_value+ method is called whenever an instance of the
class the node belongs to (+Signature+ in the example) is being
created from an XML tree. The parameter _xml_ is that tree (again,
this is the tree rooted at the +<Signature>+ element in this
example). The method implementation is expected to extract the
attribute's value from _xml_ and return it, or raise
XML::Mapping::SingleAttributeNode::NoAttrValueSet if the attribute was
"unset" in the XML (so the default value should be put in place if it
was defined), or raise any other exception to signal an error and
abort the whole process. In our implementation, we apply the xpath
expressions created at initialization to _xml_
(e.g. <tt>@y_path.first(xml)</tt>). An expression
_xpath_expr_.first(_xml_) returns (as a REXML element) the first
sub-element of _xml_ that matches _xpath_expr_, or raises
XML::XPathError if there was no such element. We apply REXML's _text_
method to the returned element to get out the element's text, convert
it to integer, and supply it to the constructor of the +Time+ object
to be returned. (as a side note, if an XPath expression matches XML
attributes, XML::XPath methods like _first_ will return "Attribute"
nodes that behave similarly to REXML::Element nodes, including
messages like _name_ and _text_ (XML::XPath extends REXML to support
this because REXML's Attribute class is too incompatible), so this
would've worked also if our XPath expressions named XML attributes,
not elements). The +default_when_xpath_err+ thing calls the supplied
block and returns its value, but maps the exception XML::XPathError to
the mentioned XML::Mapping::SingleAttributeNode::NoAttrValueSet (any
other exceptions fall through unchanged). As said above,
XML::Mapping::NoAttrValueSet is then caught by our superclass
(XML::Mapping::SingleAttributeNode), and the default value is set if
it was provided. So you should just wrap +default_when_xpath_err+
around any applications of XPath expressions whose non-presence in the
XML you want to be considered a non-presence of the attribute you're
trying to extract. (XML::XPath is designed to know knothing about
XML::Mapping, so it doesn't raise
XML::Mapping::SingleAttributeNode::NoAttrValueSet directly)

The +set_attr_value+ method is called whenever an instance of the
class the node belongs to (+Signature+ in the example) is being stored
into an XML tree. The _xml_ parameter is the XML tree (a REXML element
node; here this is again the tree rooted at the +<Signature>+
element); _value_ is the current value of the attribute. _xml_ will
most probably be "half-populated" by the time this method is called --
the framework calls the +set_attr_value+ methods of all nodes of a
mapping class in the order of their definition, letting each node fill
its "bit" into _xml_. The method implementation is expected to write
_value_ into (the correct sub-elements of) _xml_, or raise an
exception to signal an error and abort the whole process. No default
value handling is done here; +set_attr_value+ won't be called at all
if the attribute had been set to its default value. In our
implementation we grab the year, month and day values from _value_
(which must be a +Time+), and store it into the sub-elements of _xml_
identified by XPath expressions <tt>@y_path</tt>, <tt>@m_path</tt> and
<tt>@d_path</tt>, respectively. We do this by calling XML::XPath#first
with an additional parameter <tt>:ensure_created=>true</tt>. An
expression _xpath_expr_.first(_xml_,:ensure_created=>true) works just
like _xpath_expr_.first(_xml_) if _xpath_expr_ was already present in
_xml_. If it was not, it is created (preferable at the end of _xml_'s
list of sub-nodes), and returned. See below for a more detailed
documentation of the XPath interpreter.

=== Element order in created XML documents

As just said, XML::XPath, when used to create new XML nodes, generally
appends those nodes to the end of the list of subnodes of the node the
xpath expression was applied to. All xml-mapping nodes that come with
xml-mapping use XML::XPath when writing data to XML, and therefore
also append their data to the XML data written by preceding nodes (the
nodes are invoked in the order of their definition). This means that,
generally, your output data will appear in the XML document in the
same order in which the corresponding xml-mapping node definitions
appeared in the mapping class (unless you used XPath expressions like
foo[number] which explicitly dictate a fixed position in the sequence
of XML nodes). For instance, in the example from the beginning of this
document, if we put the <tt>:signatures</tt> node _before_ the
<tt>:items</tt> node, the <tt><Signed-By></tt> element will appear
_before_ the sequence of <tt><Item></tt> elements in the output XML.

== XPath interpreter

XML::XPath is an XPath parser. It is used in xml-mapping node type
definitions, but can just as well be utilized stand-alone (it does
not depend on xml-mapping). XML::XPath is very incomplete and probably
will always be (it only supports path elements of types _elt_name_,
@_attr_name_, _elt_name_[@_attr_name_=_attr_value_],
_elt_name_[_index_], and *), but it should be reasonably efficient
(XPath expressions are precompiled), and, most importantly, it
supports write access. For example, if you create the path
"/foo/bar[3]/baz[@key='hiho']" in the XML document

      <baz key="ab">hello</baz>
      <baz key="xy">goodbye</baz>

, you'll get:

      <baz key='ab'>hello</baz>
      <baz key='xy'>goodbye</baz>
      <baz key='hiho'/>

XML::XPath is explained in more detail in the reference documentation.

== License

xml-mapping is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License
(LGPL). See the LICENSE file for details.


An easy to use, extensible, well-documented library for mapping Ruby objects to XML and back.







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