This sample demonstrates how to apply an offset to a time-aware layer.
Language: C#, VB
Subject: Graphics Pipeline
Organization: Esri,
Date: 3/28/2017
ArcObjects SDK: 10.5
Visual Studio: 2013, 2015
.NET Target Framework: 4.5
- ArcObjects .NET API Reference online
- Sample Data Download
- What's new
- Download the ArcObjects SDK for .Net from
- Open the Visual Studio solution file and build the project. This will create a .dll and a type library (.tlb) file in the \bin folder. The .dll gets registered with the ESRI Add-Ins component category.
- Start ArcMap and load the TimeAwareHurricanes.mxd map in the folder /Samples/data/Time.
- Open the Customize dialog box. On the Commands tab, select the Add-In Controls. The Add-In Controls appear, including the Time Offset button.
- Drag the Time Offset button onto one of the toolbars and close the Customize dialog box.
- Double-click atlantic_hurricanes_2000 to open the layer's properties.
- Click the Time tab. Note that the time offset is 0.
- Click Cancel to close the properties panel.
- Click the Time Offset button.
- Reopen the properties of the atlantic_hurricanes_2000 layer. Note that the time offset has changed.
Development licensing | Deployment licensing |
ArcGIS Desktop Basic | ArcGIS Desktop Basic |
ArcGIS Desktop Standard | ArcGIS Desktop Standard |
ArcGIS Desktop Advanced | ArcGIS Desktop Advanced |