This sample demonstrates how to create a dynamic network evaluator that can be used by a restriction attribute in a network dataset. By using this sample, you can dynamically restrict network elements based on the currently selected network source features in ArcMap.
Language: C#, VB
Subject: Networks
Organization: Esri,
Date: 3/28/2017
ArcObjects SDK: 10.5
Visual Studio: 2013, 2015
.NET Target Framework: 4.5
- ArcObjects .NET API Reference online
- Sample Data Download
- What's new
- Download the ArcObjects SDK for .Net from
- Start Visual Studio, open the solution file, then build the solution. Be sure to open Visual Studio "As Administrator."
- Start ArcCatalog and select an appropriate network dataset to work with.
- Add a new restriction attribute to the network dataset.
- Set SelectionRestriction as the evaluator type for all participating network sources for this new restriction attribute.
- Start ArcMap and add your network dataset to the map.
- Click Yes when prompted, to add the network dataset's source feature classes to the map.
- Create a new network analysis layer and make sure that your new restriction is selected under the Analysis Settings tab of the analysis layer's property pages.
- Create a selection of the features that you want to restrict from your analysis.
- Solve your network analysis layer.
Programming with ArcGIS Network Analyst extension
What is ArcGIS Network Analyst extension?
What is a network dataset?
About the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension tutorial
ArcGIS Network Analyst extension Object Model Diagram
An overview of the network analyst toolbox
Development licensing | Deployment licensing |
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ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Network Analyst | ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Network Analyst |
ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Network Analyst | ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Network Analyst |