Table of contents:
If live behind the GFW please read this post Use Ali cloud
Windows and Mac users only need to install Docker
git clone
cd docker-php
docker-compose up -d
Now,you can open in browser
The service contains nginx, redis, mongodb, mysql, node.js
- docker-compose stop
Stop service
- docker-compose start
start service
- docker-compose restart
restart service
- Does php contain those extensions?
PHP Modules | Zend Modules -----| ------- | ------------- Core,date,libxml,openssl,pcre,zlib,filter,hash,pcntl,Reflection | xdebug SPL,session,standard,mysqlnd,PDO,xml,calendar,ctype,dom | opcahce sockets,ev,mbstring,fileinfo,ftp,gd,gettext,iconv,json,exif,mongodb | mysqli,pdo_mysql,Phar,posix,readline,shmop,SimpleXML,eio,swoole | sysvmsg,sysvsem,sysvshm,tokenizer,uv,wddx,xmlreader,xmlwriter,xsl,zip,Zend |
- How change Nginx listen port?
You can find .env file in project root dir,Modify the value of NGINX_PORT
- How change MySQL the username,password ?
You can find mysql.env file in project docker/mysql/ dir,Modify the value of MySQL
Please read the official documentation
Please read the official documentation