Typescript implementation of graphs.
Adjacency List Representation
export type Label = string|number;
export interface IVertex<T> {
label: Label;
edgeWeight: T;
export type AdjacencyList<T> = Map<Label, IVertex<T>[]>;
export interface IGraph<T> {
addVertex: (label: Label) => void;
getVertex: (label: Label) => IVertex<T>[]|null;
hasVertex: (label: Label) => boolean;
addEdge: (source: Label, destination: Label, edgeWeight?: T) => void;
printGraph: () => void;
bfs: (callback: (label: Label) => void, startLabel?: Label) => void;
dfs: (callback: (label: Label) => void, startLabel?: Label) => void;
dfsRecursive: (callback: (label: Label, startLabel?: Label) => void) => void;
hasCycle: () => boolean;
findShortestPathDijkstra: (startLabel: Label) => Map<Label, number>;
export interface IAdjacencyListOptions<T> {
isDirected?: boolean;
initial?: { [key: Label]: IVertex<T>[] };
export const graph: <T>(options: IAdjacencyListOptions<T>) => IGraph<T>;
Usage example:
const myGraph: IGraph<number> = graph<number>({
isDirected: true,
initial: {
A: [{ label: 'B', edgeWeight: 10 }],
B: [{ label: 'C', edgeWeight: 20 }],
C: [],
// or
const myGraph: IGraph<number> = graph<number>({
isDirected: false
// add/get a vertex
myGraph.addVertex('A'); // or use a number myGraph.addVertex(10);
// add an edge
myGraph.addEdge('A', 'B', 10);
myGraph.addEdge('B', 'C');
// print the graph
myGraph.bfs((label: Label) => {
myGraph.dfs((label: Label) => {
myGraph.dfsRecursive((label: Label) => {
console.log(myGraph.hasCycle()); // true or false
const distances = myGraph.findShortestPathDijkstra('A');
Adjacency Matrix Representation
export type AdjacencyMatrix<T> = T[][];
export interface IMatrix<T> {
getMatrix: () => AdjacencyMatrix<T>;
addEdge: (source: number, destination: number, weight: T) => void;
printGraph: () => void;
bfs: (callback: (row: number, col: number, value: T) => void) => void;
dfs: (callback: (row: number, col: number, value: T) => void) => void;
export interface IAdjacencyMatrixOptions<T> {
isDirected?: boolean;
rowsCount?: number;
columnsCount?: number;
defaultValue?: T;
initial?: T[][];
export const matrix: <T>(options: IAdjacencyMatrixOptions<T>) => IMatrix<T>;
Usage example:
const myGraph: IMatrix<number> = matrix<number>({
initial: [
[2, 1],
[1, 2],
// or
// create a matrix 2x2 with default value 0
const myGraph: IMatrix<number> = matrix<number>({
isDirected: false,
rowsCount: 2,
columnsCount: 2,
defaultValue: 0,
// add edge, row = 0, col = 1, weight = 5
myGraph.addEdge(0, 1, 5);
// get matrix
const res = myGraph.getMatrix();
// print the matrix
myGraph.bfs((row: number, col: number, value: number) => {
console.log(row, col, value);
myGraph.dfs((row: number, col: number, value: number) => {
console.log(row, col, value);