@constructor can.Component @download can/component @test can/component/test.html @parent canjs @release 2.0 @link ../docco/component/component.html docco
@description Create widgets that use a template, a view-model and custom tags.
@deprecated {2.1} To pass data from the scope, you must wrap your attribute
value with {}
. In 3.0, [can.mustache]
will use [can.stache]'s method.
Create an instance of a component on a particular tag in a [can.mustache] template.
@param {String} TAG An HTML tag name that matches the [can.Component::tag tag] property of the component.
@param {String} ATTR-NAME An HTML attribute name. Any attribute name is valid. Any attributes added to the element are added as properties to the component's [can.Component::scope scope].
@param {can.mustache.key} [ATTR-VALUE] Specifies the value of a property passed to
the component instance's [can.Component::scope scope]. By default ATTR-VALUE
values are looked up in the [can.view.Scope can.mustache scope]. If the string value
of the ATTR-NAME
is desired, this can be specified like:
@param {can.mustache.key} [KEY] Specifies the value of a property passed to the component instance's [can.Component::scope scope] that will be looked up in the [can.view.Scope can.stache scope].
@signature < TAG [ATTR-NAME="{KEY}|ATTR-VALUE"] >
Create an instance of a component on a particular tag in a [can.stache] template.
@release 2.1
@param {String} TAG An HTML tag name that matches the [can.Component::tag tag] property of the component.
@param {String} ATTR-NAME An HTML attribute name. Any attribute name is valid. Any attributes added to the element are added as properties to the component's [can.Component::scope scope]. In the DOM, attribute names are case insensitive. To pass a camelCase attribute to the component's scope, hypenate the attribute name like:
<tag attr-name="{key}"></tag>
This will set attrName
on the component's scope.
@param {can.stache.key} [KEY] Specifies the value of a property passed to the component instance's [can.Component::scope scope] that will be looked up in the [can.view.Scope can.stache scope].
@param {can.stache.key} [ATTR-VALUE] If the attribute value is not
wrapped with {}
, the string value of the attribute will be
set on the component's scope.
To create a can.Component
, you must first [can.Component.extend extend] can.Component
with the methods and properties of how your component behaves:
tag: "hello-world",
template: "{{#if visible}}{{message}}{{else}}Click me{{/if}}",
scope: {
visible: false,
message: "Hello There!"
events: {
click: function(){
this.scope.attr("visible", !this.scope.attr("visible") );
This element says "Click me" until a user clicks it and then
says "Hello There!". To create a a instance of this component on the page,
add <hello-world></hello-world>
to a mustache template, render
the template and insert the result in the page like:
var template = can.mustache("<hello-world></hello-world>");
$(document.body).append( template() );
Check this out here:
@demo can/component/examples/click_me.html
Typically, you do not append a single component at a time. Instead, you'll render a template with many custom tags like:
<srchr-search models="models">
<input name="search"/>
<srchr-results models="models"/>
Use [can.Component.extend] to create a can.Component
constructor function
that will automatically get initialized whenever the component's tag is
A component's [can.Component::tag tag] is the element node name that the component will be created on.
The following matches <hello-world>
tag: "hello-world"
A component's [can.Component::template template] is rendered as the element's innerHTML.
The following component:
tag: "hello-world",
template: "<h1>Hello World</h1>"
Changes <hello-world></hello-world>
elements into:
<hello-world><h1>Hello World</h1></hello-world>
Use the <content/>
tag to position the custom element's source HTML.
The following component:
tag: "hello-world",
template: "<h1><content/></h1>"
Changes <hello-world>Hi There</hello-world>
<hello-world><h1>Hi There</h1></hello-world>
A component's [can.Component::scope scope] defines a can.Map that is used to render the component's template. The maps properties are typically set by attributes on the custom element's HTML. By default, every attribute's value is looked up in the parent scope of the custom element and added to the scope object.
The following component:
tag: "hello-world",
template: "<h1>{{message}}</h1>"
Changes the following rendered template:
var template = can.mustache("<hello-world message='greeting'/>");
greeting: "Salutations"
Default values can be provided. The following component:
tag: "hello-world",
template: "<h1>{{message}}</h1>",
scope: {
message: "Hi"
Changes the following rendered template:
var template = can.mustache("<hello-world message='greeting'/>");
If you want to set the string value of the attribute on scope, give scope a default value of "@". The following component:
tag: "hello-world",
template: "<h1>{{message}}</h1>",
scope: {
message: "@"
Changes the following rendered template:
var template = can.mustache("<hello-world message='Howdy'/>");
A component's [can.Component::events events] object is used to listen to events (that are not
listened to with [can.view.bindings view bindings]). The following component
adds "!" to the message every time <hello-world>
is clicked:
tag: "hello-world",
template: "<h1>{{message}}</h1>",
events: {
"click" : function(){
var currentMessage = this.scope.attr("message");
this.scope.attr("message", currentMessage+ "!")
A component's [can.Component::helpers helpers] object provides [can.mustache.helper mustache helper] functions that are available within the component's template. The following component only renders friendly messages:
tag: "hello-world",
template: "{{#isFriendly message}}"+
helpers: {
isFriendly: function(message, options){
if( /hi|hello|howdy/.test(message) ) {
return options.fn();
} else {
return options.inverse();
A [can.mustache] template passes values from the scope to a can.Component
by specifying the key of the value in the attribute directly. For example:
tag: "my-tag",
template: "<h1>{{greeting}}</h1>"
var template = can.mustache("<my-tag greeting='message'></my-tag>");
var frag = template({
message: "Hi"
frag //-> <my-tag greeting='message'><h1>Hi</h1></my-tag>
With [can.stache], you wrap the key with {}
. For example:
tag: "my-tag",
template: "<h1>{{greeting}}</h1>"
var template = can.stache("<my-tag greeting='{message}'></my-tag>");
var frag = template({
message: "Hi"
frag //-> <my-tag greeting='{message}'><h1>Hi</h1></my-tag>
If the key was not wrapped, the template would render:
frag //-> <my-tag greeting='message'><h1>message</h1></my-tag>
Because the attribute value would be passed as the value of greeting
Check out the following examples built with can.Component
The following demos a tabs widget. Click "Add Vegetables" to add a new tab.
@demo can/component/examples/tabs.html
An instance of the tabs widget is created by creating <tabs>
and <panel>
elements like:
{{#each foodTypes}}
<panel title='title'>{{content}}</panel>
To add another panel, all we have to do is add data to foodTypes
title: "Vegetables",
content: "Carrots, peas, kale"
The secret is that the <panel>
element listens to when it is inserted
and adds its data to the tabs' list of panels with:
this.element.parent().scope().addPanel( this.scope );
The following tree combo lets people walk through a hierarchy and select locations.
@demo can/component/examples/treecombo.html
The secret to this widget is the scope's breadcrumb
property, which is an array
of items the user has navigated through, and selectableItems
, which represents the children of the
last item in the breadcrub. These are defined on the scope like:
breadcrumb: [],
selectableItems: function(){
var breadcrumb = this.attr("breadcrumb");
// if there's an item in the breadcrumb
// return the last item's children
return breadcrumb.attr(""+(breadcrumb.length-1)+'.children');
} else{
// return the top list of items
return this.attr('items');
When the "+" icon is clicked next to each item, the scope's showChildren
method is called, which
adds that item to the breadcrumb like:
showChildren: function( item, el, ev ) {
The following example shows 3 widget-like components: a grid, next / prev buttons, and a page count indicator. And, it shows an application component that puts them all together.
@demo can/component/examples/paginate.html
This demo uses a Paginate
can.Map to assist with maintaining a paginated state:
var Paginate = can.Map.extend({
The app
component creates an instance of the Paginate
and a websitesDeferred
that represents a request for the Websites
that should be displayed.
scope: function () {
return {
paginate: new Paginate({
limit: 5
websitesDeferred: can.compute(function () {
var params = {
limit: this.attr('paginate.limit'),
offset: this.attr('paginate.offset')
websitesDeferred = Website.findAll(params),
self = this;
websitesDeferred.then(function (websites) {
self.attr('paginate.count', websites.count)
return websitesDeferred;
The app
control passes paginate, paginate's values, and websitesDeferreds to
its sub-components:
<grid deferredData='websitesDeferred'>
{{#each items}}
<td width='40%'>{{name}}</td>
<td width='70%'>{{url}}</td>
<next-prev paginate='paginate'/>
<page-count page='paginate.page' count='paginate.pageCount'/>
While CanJS does support Internet Explorer 8 out of the box, if you decide
to use can.Component
then you will need to include HTML5 Shiv
in order for your custom tags to work properly.
For namespaced tag names (e.g. <can:example>
) and hyphenated tag names (e.g. <can-example>
) to work properly, you will need to use version 3.7.2 or later.