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Contribute to Plotly's Julia Documentation

Initial Steps:

  1. Clone the repo and then check out the source-design-merge branch:
$ git clone [email protected]:plotly/documentation.git
$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout source-design-merge
  1. Check Ruby version $ ruby --version. We recommend using version 2.3.3 or the same ruby version as gh-pages: Note RVM is helpful for installing and managing ruby versions.

  2. Install bundler and a couple dependencies from the gemfile:

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

IMPORTANT -If not using bundler and the gemfile, install the same jekyll version that Github Pages is using.

Create Julia Documentation:

Our Julia tutorials are written in HTML files with embedded plot examples.

In documentation/_posts/julia
  1. Create a folder titled with the chart type or topic you're adding to the documentation (i.e. bar)
  2. cd into the folder you created and create an html index file labeled: yyyy-mm-dd-chart_type_julia_index.html. Copy the index file template below and replace with the necessary information pertaining to the doc you are creating.
title: Julia Add-Chart-Type-or-Topic | Examples | Plotly
name: Add-Chart-Type-or-Topic
permalink: julia/add-chart-type-or-topic/
description: How to make a add-chart-type-or-topic in Julia. Add an additional sentence summarizing chart-type or topic.
layout: base
has_thumbnail: true
thumbnail: thumbnail/add-chart-type-or-topic.jpg *MORE INFO ON ADDING THUMBNAILS BELOW
language: julia
page_type: example_index
display_as: **SEE BELOW
order: ***SEE BELOW
{% assign examples = site.posts | where:"language","julia" | where:"suite","add-chart-type-or-topic"**** | sort: "order" %}
{% include auto_examples.html examples=examples %}
  1. Create an example and save it on

  2. Add an HTML file (yyyy-mm-dd-example-name.html) for each example. The HTML file should have a header (template below), followed by the Julia code used to create the example.

name: Basic Bar Chart **
language: julia
suite: bar
order: 1 **
sitemap: false
arrangement: horizontal
# Learn about API authentication here:
# Find your api_key here:

using Plotly

data = [
    "x" => ["giraffes", "orangutans", "monkeys"],
    "y" => [20, 14, 23],
    "type" => "bar"
response = Plotly.plot(data, ["filename" => "basic-bar", "fileopt" => "overwrite"])
plot_url = response["url"]
  1. Best Practices:
  • Now we have an awesome navigation bar on the left side of our tutorial pages. The navigation bar displays the name** in the order** so add a name for each example and try to make names as informative and concise as possible. Ex: Basic Bar Chart
  • order examples from basic -> advanced.
  • Try to use "real" data, to make the examples realistic and interesting. Avoid including large datablocks in the tutorial by uploading the datafile to Importing data rather than pasting a large chunk of data in the tutorial creates a cleaner example. (Using random data is okay for some examples too :) )
  1. Add Thumbnail Images
  • Thumbnail images should named your-tutorial-chart.jpg and be EXACTLY 160px X 160px
  • Thumbnail images should be clear and interesting. You do not need to capture the ENTIRE chart, but rather focus on the most interesting part of the chart.
  • Use for adding new images.
    • Log-in here:
    • Username: Plotly_Editors
    • From the Amazon Web Services Console select S3 (Scalable Storage in the Cloud) then select plotly-tutorials -> plotly-documentation -> thumbnail
    • Now from All Buckets /plotly-tutorials/plotly-documentation/thumbnail select the Actions dropdown and upload your .jpg file
In the terminal in the documentation repo
  1. Commit and Push your tutorial
  • git add your .html files
  • git commit -m "include a message about the tutorial you're adding"
  • git push origin source-design-merge
  1. To proof your work, serve the pages locally by running: bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config_dev.yml from the root of the documentation repo. For more information see these steps:

  2. Deploy changes by running bundle exec rake deploy from the root of the documentation repo.

  1. Check your Tutorial!!!! This is a very important step. PLEASE visit and make sure everything looks correct :)
  • Some common problems that you should check for:
    • Make sure all plots/codepen embeds appear! (*you may want to sign out of your Plotly/codepen account to ensure you didn't accidentally embed private plots)
    • The thumbnail image appears on:

Thanks for contributing to our documentation!!