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appveyor.yml specifies build settings which generally override online UI driven settings.

Branch and tag filtering

Tags and branches that trigger a build are filtered by whitelisting. Despite the option name, filtering via branches: only is applied to tag names too.

Build pipeline

For ordering of appveyor.yml phases, see: build pipeline docs.

Builds will fail if any command has a non-zero exit code. PowerShell scripts continue on non-terminating errors unless the file is prefixed with $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";.

Setup process

Before we begin the install process, AppVeyor clones our repository and checks out the commit of the build.


  • Set environment variables about the build version
  • Bump up the AppVeyor build number
  • Decrypt files to be used for signing builds and deployment using secure environment variables
  • Update git submodules


Performs a build of NVDA and related artifacts for testing and deployment.

  • Set the scons variables
  • Call scons to build from source
  • Build the symbol store and package it to an artifact with 7zip


Unlike the rest of the build, tests do not exit early if they fail or raise an error. If any test fails, testFailExitCode is set to 1. The after_test build phase will exit the build if any tests fail so that all test failures can be recorded where possible.

Before testing we:

  • Create directories for test output
  • Set testFailExitCode to 0
  • Install NVDA for system tests

The tests we perform are:

  • check translation comments
  • unit tests
  • lint check
  • system tests


Artifacts are added to the build throughout the process.

Artifacts in output\* and output\*\* are automatically packaged after successful tests. If something fails before then, we manually push these artifacts in on_failure. Artifacts outside of output are pushed manually as they are created.

At the end of the build, regardless of failure, we upload the list of successfully installed python packages in pushPackagingInfo.ps1. This is performed here in case scons (partially) fails.


The server side deploy code (nvdaAppveyorHook) is triggered from deployScript.ps1. The server-side deployment relies on our artifacts, so they must be uploaded first.

Modifying behavior

Environment variables can be configured to modify behavior on Appveyor. These tools can be used (by NV Access) to more quickly investigate issues with the build. These must be set before the build starts, and should be removed again once the build has started.

  • APPVEYOR_RDP_PASSWORD: Setting an RDP password will allow connecting over RDP. Monitor the early build output to get the connection string.
  • VERBOSE_SYSTEM_TEST_LOGGING: Setting True (or any non-empty string) will enable more verbose NVDA logs for the tests. See method enable_verbose_debug_logging_if_requested in, enables:
    • MSAA
    • UIA
    • TimeSinceInput
  • INCLUDE_SYSTEM_TEST_TAGS: Set (space separated) tags to be used when running system tests.
    • E.G. To run the tests with the default tags: installer NVDA
    • See the *.robot files for tags.
    • Use excluded_from_build to run no system tests.