MIT Deep Learning Book in PDF format (complete and parts) by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
A RecyclerView(advanced and flexible version of ListView in Android) with refreshing,loading more,animation and many other features.
🗡️ 云阅:一款基于网易云音乐UI,使用玩Android Api,Retrofit2 + RxJava2 + Room + MVVM-databinding架构开发的Android客户端
An unofficial bilibili client for android -- 该项目已停止维护!
📚A pure reading App based on Material Design + MVP + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Dagger2 + Realm + Glide
Movie discovery app showcasing MVP, RxJava, Dagger 2 and Clean Architecture
A simple easy-to-integrate Camera Fragment for Android
CNode 社区第三方 Android 客户端,原生 App,Material Design 风格,支持夜间模式。
A news-reading App (MVP+Dagger2+RxJava+Retrofit2+Material Design)
用知乎和gankio 网易新闻 豆瓣电影的API,模仿网易云音乐UI来完成一个基于Material Design +Rxjava + Retrofit + dagger2 + MVP构架的项目
A third-party library of (very) useful additional objects for osmdroid
Spika is universal chat module with backend, web, ios and Android client.
使用data binding , dagger2 , retrofit2和rxjava实现的,基于MVVM的知乎日报APP。
Android 3rd party library to make implementing galleries more easier
Android Tabbed Dialog containing fragments
Android JSON API WordPress Reader App (No longer maintained)
📍 An Android app to discover a city's nearby hotels, restaurants and Shopping places.