- Chicago
zenkalia / T-keyboard
Forked from Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-keyboardmini ble Keyboard for IOS/Android/Windows
Creating delicious APIs for Django apps since 2010. v1.0.0-beta
natebunnyfield / frank
Forked from trvsdnn/frankStatic Site Non-Framework
natebunnyfield / castronaut
Forked from relevance/castronautCAS Server
CAS + Rack == happy authentication for the Corporate World
natebunnyfield / cucumber
Forked from cucumber/cucumber-rubyBDD that talks to domain experts first and code second
natebunnyfield / pickler
Forked from aslakhellesoy/picklerPIvotal traCKer Liaison to cucumbER
Django app for handling invitations generated by a site
schacon / showoff
Forked from binford2k/showoffmoved to puppetlabs/showoff!
natebunnyfield / domain51.com
Forked from tswicegood/domain51.comrepository for domain51.com
natebunnyfield / Dolt
Forked from tswicegood/DoltA dumb little wrapper around RESTful interfaces
natebunnyfield / webrat
Forked from brynary/webratWebrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
A stupid little web app for updating both BrightKite and FourSquare at the same time
natebunnyfield / lpdn.org
Forked from ericholscher/lpdn.orgThe code powering LPDN.org. Please fork and improve!
Django authorization library for various third-party authentication mechanisms
technoweenie / seinfeld
Forked from entp/seinfeldOpen Source calendar