C++/PyTorch Implementation of the Paper: "Overfit Neural Networks as a Compact Shape Representation" with CUDA renderer
title={Overfit Neural Networks as a Compact Shape Representation},
author={Thomas Davies and Derek Nowrouzezahrai and Alec Jacobson},
Render of network trained on cube
- Eigen >= 3
- TBB >= 4
- CGAL >= 4
- Boost >= 1.48
- CUDA >= 9
- OpenCV >= 3
- pybind11 >= 1.1
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
Build with your preferred compiler. This was built and tested in Visual Studio 2019 x64.
- BUILD_RENDERER: Turns renderer project on or off.
- BUILD_PYTHON: Builds python bindings for point sampler and renderer (if BUILD_RENDERER is ON)
By default, building the INSTALL project creates the build/workspace directory with all necessary files for examples and training.