Here we provide usage examples of different pipeline scripts. For a more detailed explanation, please refer to doc/tutorial.
Before executing the following commands, please make sure:
You have local and global features saved in the recommended dataset structure. Refer to the section prepare data of doc/tutorial page.
Windows users should take care of extra installation steps. Refer to doc/installation.
if the COLMAP executable is not available from PATH, the parameter
needs to be set. -
if your operating system cannot infer the python binary from the shebang or the file extension (default behaviour), you can explicitely give the python binary path with the
parameter or let python find it from sys.executable with--auto-python-binary
This script computes:
the image pairs from global features,
the corresponding keypoint matches,
the geometric verification of the matches, and finally
the COLMAP map (which is later used for localization).
-i my_dataset/mapping \
-kpt my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/keypoints \
-desc my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/descriptors \
-gfeat my_dataset/global_features/AP-GeM-LM18/global_features \
-matches my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/NN_no_gv/matches \
-matches-gv my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/NN_colmap_gv/matches \
--colmap-map my_dataset/colmap-sfm/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/AP-GeM-LM18_top20 # lfeat_type / map_pairs \
--topk 20
This script computes:
the image pairs (query-map) from global features,
the corresponding keypoint matches,
the geometric verification of the matches, and finally
localization of images against an existing COLMAP map.
The parameters passed to colmap image_registrator
are described in
config=0 : []
config=1 : ['--Mapper.ba_refine_focal_length', '0',
'--Mapper.ba_refine_principal_point', '0',
'--Mapper.ba_refine_extra_params', '0']
config=2 : ['--Mapper.ba_refine_focal_length', '0',
'--Mapper.ba_refine_principal_point', '0',
'--Mapper.ba_refine_extra_params', '0',
'--Mapper.min_num_matches', '4',
'--Mapper.init_min_num_inliers', '4',
'--Mapper.abs_pose_min_num_inliers', '4',
'--Mapper.abs_pose_min_inlier_ratio', '0.05',
'--Mapper.ba_local_max_num_iterations', '50',
'--Mapper.abs_pose_max_error', '20',
'--Mapper.filter_max_reproj_error', '12'],
config=3 : ['--Mapper.ba_refine_focal_length', '1',
'--Mapper.ba_refine_principal_point', '0',
'--Mapper.ba_refine_extra_params', '0',
'--Mapper.min_num_matches', '4',
'--Mapper.init_min_num_inliers', '4',
'--Mapper.abs_pose_min_num_inliers', '4',
'--Mapper.abs_pose_min_inlier_ratio', '0.05',
'--Mapper.ba_local_max_num_iterations', '50',
'--Mapper.abs_pose_max_error', '20',
'--Mapper.filter_max_reproj_error', '12']
-i my_dataset/mapping \
--query my_dataset/query \
--merge-path my_dataset/map_plus_query # optional, providing it will avoid recomputing it \
-kpt my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/keypoints \
-desc my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/descriptors \
-gfeat my_dataset/global_features/AP-GeM-LM18/global_features \
-matches my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/NN_no_gv/matches \
-matches-gv my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/NN_colmap_gv/matches \
--colmap-map my_dataset/colmap-sfm/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/AP-GeM-LM18_top20 # lfeat_type / map_pairs \
-o my_dataset/colmap-localization/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/AP-GeM-LM18_top20/AP-GeM-LM18_top20/ # lfeat_type / map_pairs / query_pairs / \
--topk 20 \
--config 2
# For RobotCar or RobotCar_v2 --benchmark-style RobotCar_Seasons needs to be added.
# For Gangnam_Station --benchmark-style Gangnam_Station
# For Hyundai_Department_Store --benchmark-style Hyundai_Department_Store
# For RIO10 --benchmark-style RIO10
# For ETH-Microsoft --benchmark-style ETH_Microsoft
This can be used to evaluate image retrieval for visual localization. Please refer to doc/tutorial for more details.
This script executes two more steps compared to :
pose approximation (EWB, BDI, CSI), and
local SFM.
More details about these two methods can be found in our 3DV paper.
-i my_dataset/mapping \
--query my_dataset/query \
--merge-path my_dataset/map_plus_query # optional, providing it will avoid recomputing it \
-kpt my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/keypoints \
-desc my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/descriptors \
-gfeat my_dataset/global_features/AP-GeM-LM18/global_features \
-matches my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/NN_no_gv/matches \
-matches-gv my_dataset/local_features/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/NN_colmap_gv/matches \
--colmap-map my_dataset/colmap-sfm/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/AP-GeM-LM18_top20 # lfeat_type / map_pairs \
-o my_dataset/ir-benchmark/r2d2_WASF-N8_20k/AP-GeM-LM18_top20/AP-GeM-LM18_top20/ # lfeat_type / map_pairs / query_pairs \
--topk 20 \
--config 2
# For RobotCar or RobotCar_v2 --benchmark-style RobotCar_Seasons needs to be added.
# For Gangnam_Station --benchmark-style Gangnam_Station
# For Hyundai_Department_Store --benchmark-style Hyundai_Department_Store
# For RIO10 --benchmark-style RIO10
# For ETH-Microsoft --benchmark-style ETH_Microsoft